Probably not thread worthy, but I was watching an old Tyson fight a couple of weeks ago (can't remember which one, it was early or mid 90s) and they showed this long promo for him. Him and Don King shot some basketball, walked around the streets, Don King rambled on about the black man and how he's helping the black man overcome adversity, ect ect. But there was one scene where Mike and Don King were on the beach and Mike's feedin the birds and Tyson says something like...

Tyson: Don the birds arn't coming to get the food, they must not be hungry...

King: (sounding like he was talking to a child) Thats right Mike, feed the birds. This is excellent. (Starts to Ramble) Together we'll overcome everyone obstacle in and out of the ring. Yadda Yadda...

I found it hilarious because it kind of foreshadowed what was to come and showed Don for the slimeball he is who doesn't care about his fighters, just the dollar. Here he was using a promotional video that was supposed to be about Tyson to talk about himself and steal half of the air time. Then they're walking down the beach looking like they are having a deep man to man conversation, and Don aint even listening to him. Classic Don King, if no one remembers or seen this I gotta upload it.