Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
Jws, are a pretty harmless bunch feel sorry for their offspring though I always chat to their kids at the door and ignore the elders as much as possible.

Mormons are funny looking ... "hellooo we have the exact same tyre pressure in our push bikes".
Andre you keep saying this stuff and it simply is not true, survivors from The Mormons and the JW's will attest to as much. That's what they want everyone to think, it is part of their modus operandi and you are propagating the myth that their organisations are harmless when they are not. I am not going to verbally chastise you because I respect you and I respect my Elders like Jehovah and Joseph Smith told me to, but really they ain't harmless.
I have no idea. What do they do aside from collect a fair wicket from their followers and brainwash their children?

Surely no burning at the stake,tampering of scriptures, murder or sexual abuse to the extent of the Roman church?

I know there is always some outer groups from each one that end up abusing the young but they are in every religion.

I was talking generally, but really want to know the real cause of you saying so now.

How do you get a young Catholic girl pregnant?

Dress her as an alter boy.