Age: 22
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs
Goal: Begin amateur fighting at years end.
Non-combat sports. I've played organized sports, both contact and non-contact since elementary school. At the end of high school was recruited to either swim or run in college. Choose to run. College graduate and am bored. Trying to make the transition to boxing.

I'm currently in week 12 of basic strength and conditioning. Working out has included nothing but interval training and cardio. All calisthenic work and absolutely no weights. I want to emphasize the fact that no weights have been introduced yet. I began the summer at 160 lbs. It has been 3 months and I've put on 15 lbs.

The first 4 weeks included nothing but cardio. 30 minute cardio sessions, 6 days a week: BPM 160 +
The second 4 weeks were designed to target legs and abs.
The third 4 weeks were designed for back, chest, and shoulders.

Basic strength and conditioning was only supposed to last 12 weeks, but my hand broke 2 weeks into my back/chest/shoulder cycle. I'm very limited as to what I can accomplish right now because of my hand. I've decided that while my hand is broken that I will maintain what I've accomplished the first 10 weeks by mashing up my first and second, 4 week cycles, into an interval training program. I'm now 2 weeks into my interval training and plan on continuing it for another 4 weeks when my hand should be healed. When my hand heals I plan on returning to the third 4 week cycle and starting it from the beginning. When I finish the third 4 week cycle I plan on beginning basic weight training and mitt work.

I won't post the workouts performed already because so much has been done already but will fill you in day-to-day as to what is performed.

Sunday, September 12. Day off.