Alright there's so much hype surrounding this movie and my "sources" show that this is the ending of the movie. Have not seen it yet but according to the sources that have the ending is as follows
I'm pretty sure you all know the storyline so I'll just get to the fight with Rocky and Tarver
The ending that was told to me was that
Rocky is dropped twice in the fight(for an 8 count and a 9 count) and then knocks Tarver down. Tarver gets up. The next round Tarver hits Rocky's hip with a punch and breaks his hand.
Then they go back and forth and back and forth.
And it goes the distance.
Rocky leaves the ring before the decision is announced(decision for an exhibition? oh well, its Hollywood) with his victory being he went the distance(very similar to the Apollo Creed situation)
And like Creed, Tarver wins a split decision.
Despite this the crowd chants "Rocky Rocky Rocky"
Rocky is then shown at a gravesite where he dead wife Adrian is.
His final words to the grave are "Yo Adrian...WE did it.."
And then he walks off and thats the end of the movie.
I'll have to see the movie so I can comfirm this for you all.
But that sure as hell sounds like the real deal.
I bought my informant a mocha frappuchino, he better not have lied to me
