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Thread: King Snake or Coral Snake?!

  1. #1
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    Default King Snake or Coral Snake?!

    My girlfriend and I watched Snakes on a Plane last night. Of course the conversation after the movie consisted mainly of snake talk. We got on the topic of King Snake vs. Coral snake and she said,

    "Red on black, friend to Jack; Red on yellow, kill a fellow."

    Upon hearing this I laughed until I cried. After words I said,

    "Red on black, venom lack." More precise. Sounds better and who the fuck is "Jack."

    She was furious and tried to convince me that "friend to Jack" sounded better than "venom lack." The conviction with which she argued made me furious.

    "friend to Jack" is misleading. Just because it's bite won't kill you doesn't make it your friend. It's not going to help you gather firewood and roast marshmallows with you. "Venom lack" tells you everything you need to know without misleading you.

    For that I was forced to sleep on the couch.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: King Snake or Coral Snake?!

    Are you married to a herpetologist or something?
    "If there's a better chin in the world than Pryor's, it has to be on Mount Rushmore." -Pat Putnam.

  3. #3
    SigmaMu Guest

    Default Re: King Snake or Coral Snake?!

    Phuk I hate these couple arguments and especially if it turns to anger. Sorry to hear you had to sleep on the couch. That is phuked up. I have been through many of these and I always lose. Even if I am right I lose because she get's angry and to make things worse, women don't forget shiet and they don't forget arguments and especially the ones where you end up calling her a biatch. lol They never forget

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    Default Re: King Snake or Coral Snake?!

    Quote Originally Posted by boozeboxer
    Are you married to a herpetologist or something?
    Not exactly. She does have two bearded dragons though. Albert & Peaches.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: King Snake or Coral Snake?!

    Are they mean? My friend had one and I was always afraid of it.
    "If there's a better chin in the world than Pryor's, it has to be on Mount Rushmore." -Pat Putnam.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: King Snake or Coral Snake?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Danny_G
    Phuk I hate these couple arguments and especially if it turns to anger. Sorry to hear you had to sleep on the couch. That is phuked up. I have been through many of these and I always lose. Even if I am right I lose because she get's angry and to make things worse, women don't forget shiet and they don't forget arguments and especially the ones where you end up calling her a biatch. lol They never forget
    Funny that this happens when we're at my house and I still have to leave MY ROOM....

    Oh!! Well I always end up going to the play room and shoot pool or throw on some fights on the tele......

  7. #7
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    Default Re: King Snake or Coral Snake?!

    Quote Originally Posted by BoxingGorilla
    My girlfriend and I watched Snakes on a Plane last night. Of course the conversation after the movie consisted mainly of snake talk. We got on the topic of King Snake vs. Coral snake and she said,

    "Red on black, friend to Jack; Red on yellow, kill a fellow."

    Upon hearing this I laughed until I cried. After words I said,

    "Red on black, venom lack." More precise. Sounds better and who the fuck is "Jack."

    She was furious and tried to convince me that "friend to Jack" sounded better than "venom lack." The conviction with which she argued made me furious.

    "friend to Jack" is misleading. Just because it's bite won't kill you doesn't make it your friend. It's not going to help you gather firewood and roast marshmallows with you. "Venom lack" tells you everything you need to know without misleading you.

    For that I was forced to sleep on the couch.
    LMFAO ! really enjoyed that !

  8. #8
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    Default Re: King Snake or Coral Snake?!

    Quote Originally Posted by BoxingGorilla
    My girlfriend and I watched Snakes on a Plane last night. Of course the conversation after the movie consisted mainly of snake talk. We got on the topic of King Snake vs. Coral snake and she said,

    "Red on black, friend to Jack; Red on yellow, kill a fellow."

    Upon hearing this I laughed until I cried. After words I said,

    "Red on black, venom lack." More precise. Sounds better and who the F*** is "Jack."

    She was furious and tried to convince me that "friend to Jack" sounded better than "venom lack." The conviction with which she argued made me furious.

    "friend to Jack" is misleading. Just because it's bite won't kill you doesn't make it your friend. It's not going to help you gather firewood and roast marshmallows with you. "Venom lack" tells you everything you need to know without misleading you.

    For that I was forced to sleep on the couch.
    Sorry but I really have no idea what you talking about, actually this looks like one of my random thoughts eccentric postings to be honest

  9. #9
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    Default Re: King Snake or Coral Snake?!

    off topic but kinda funny .. enjoy


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