Re: A sport like no other?
I've also always thought that the popularity of boxing is a great testament to the quality of a culture as a whole. Being that boxing is full of so many intricacies and mental nuances, I believe it's a good measuring stick for what culture as a whole values. Back in the late 50s through the 60s, when American culture as a whole was more focused on the intellectual issues of the day, boxing was at its peak. Nowadays, when reality tv rules the roost, boxing has waned, and I honestly don't believe it has as much to do with the weakness of the heavyweight division as it is that, by and large, people just don't have the patience or interest in being entertained by anything more than mindless muck and unintelligent dribble. Maybe when people start waking up to the value of brain power we'll start to see a resurgent in the mainstream interest of the sport as a whole, well... at least I hope so.
Down Goes Frazier!!! Down Goes Frazier!!! Down Goes Frazier!!!