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Thread: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

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    Default <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    As of late I'm not sure if it's because it's late in the year and lately I've been thinking a lot about my great grandmother (R.I.P)

    But I've been listening to a lot of music from yesteryear.

    There's a particular artis whom I've been doing a lot of reading on. This artist I've been listening for years. Since childhood up until today but like I said lately I've been playing a lot of his music.
    Not only is this man a great guitarist but he's a musical genius. His sense for a note or a key in a song is exceptional.

    Jose Feliciano is a Puerto Rican singer and guitarist. He was born permanently blind due to congenital glaucoma. Feliciano overcame the effects of this impairment to score many international hits.

    He was born in Lares, Puerto Rico, one of eleven children. He was first exposed to music at age three. At five, his family moved to SpanishHarlem, New York City and, at age nine, he played on the Teatro Puerto Rico. He started his musical life playing accordion until his grandfather gave him a guitar. He reputedly sat by himself in his room for up to 14 hours a day to listen to 1950s rock albums, classical guitarists such as Andrés Segovia, and jazz players such as Wes Montgomery. He later had classical lessons with Harold Morris who earlier had been a student with Segovia.
    At 17, he quit school to play in clubs, having his first professional, contracted performance in Detroit.

    It sucks that all these music experts, music reviewers, managers, record companies, music magazines, radio DJs and other guitar "experts" then over the decades destroyed and laughed at his career, his music, his virtuosity and his art.
    He didn't deserve what happened to him.
    Here's a BIG Thank You, from me and all the music world in all these decades we missed a genius because of shit you guys did.

    His dog was denied entry into Great Britain because they felt it would spread rabies.
    He was told by many managers that he would never make it.
    He was told to stop rocking so much on the chair and to wear glasses because he looked like a freak without glasses.

    In 1968 during the Vietnam War he was given the opp. to perform the Star Spangled Banner during the world series. Well that didn't go so well, a Puerto Rican who modified the SSB into this latino slow, jazzy song
    That didn't fly with America and hurt Feliciano he was told by managers that no one would manage him hear in the states after that and he was done here in the States. His rendition was made before the Hendrix rendition in Woodstock...

    With over 50 albums he has sold MILLIONS literally ALL AROUND the WORLD.
    Far to many places to list.

    This man can do no wrong whe he "remakes" a song. I don't consider what he does a cover because a cover song is just someone replaying the song and singing it with their voice.
    Well that's not what Feliciano does, Feliciano literally makes it a whole new song. New notes, adds lyrics etc. etc. etc.
    It's totally new songs...
    I really think the world missed out on a great artist on a special gift from god that should have gotten A LOT more recognition in his hey day and should be considered music royalty today.

    I had the opp. to see him last year out here at Cerritos Center of the Performing Arts last year and it was amazing hearing that voice from god and watching him play the guitar. Got choked up when he played 2 of my fav. songs of his... Spanish song "Usted" and English song "The Windmills of Your Mind" those 2 songs hit a spot and with the alcohol running forget it...
    This man can cover ANY genre possible... Country, Bolero, Rock, Blues, Jazz, Contemporary, Cumbia, Bachata, Mambo, Cumbia. I can be here all night...

    I leave you with a few of my fav. songs he did. Enjoy!

    I never thought anyone could ever do it better then George but Feliciano just might have done it here... I mean I love the original version but my god does Feliciano just makes it a new song.

    Just listen to this shit man, I mean really did you ever think it was possible? Listen to the notes he adds, listen to Spanish he throws in there and listen to how he changes lyrics a bit.
    If that wasn't enough listen to the end of the song the very end what he does... Fucken brilliant man, shit like that is born with you can't think that up.

    The great Jimi Hendrix was huge fan of Feliciano and in 1967 while in London Jimi went to see Feliciano at a gig and performed on stage with him... For the most part not a lot of people have seen Feliciano jam on electric but here he is in Vienna 1987... Just listen to this man, just listen to it. As usual towards the end of the song he breaks into other songs and just adds his own thing to it. Simply magnificent.
    Last edited by CutMeMick; 10-22-2008 at 07:07 AM.

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    What a great rendition...

    This song just kicks me in the ass when I hear it. Throat dries up and eyes get watery. Strong, strong, lyrics for those who need a good cry. Look up this song.

    How about Light My Fire? Did you think it could sound any different and yet sound as great of a song as if it was brand new? Well give it a go and listen to this... He won a grammy for this in 1969.

    This is the performance he gave at those Grammys that year although the audio is not so good.

    In my top 5 songs of great Spanish songs written and here is Felcianos dendition... Just brilliant

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    His interpretation of songs are superb. Windmills is something else Wonderfull.
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap View Post
    His interpretation of songs are superb. Windmills is something else Wonderfull.
    Good stuff Scrap, good to see someone else here enjoys his musik.

    Clearly show's how much he was put to the side and never given much praise.

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    Quote Originally Posted by CutMeMick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap View Post
    His interpretation of songs are superb. Windmills is something else Wonderfull.
    Good stuff Scrap, good to see someone else here enjoys his musik.

    Clearly show's how much he was put to the side and never given much praise.
    I remember watching him in the movie Fargo (I love that movie!), and checking him out afterwards. Actually listened it quite a lot when in high school. It was always great music for hanging out, drinking a bit (and smoking a bit too) - kinda has a moody, soundtrack quality to it that is hard to define, but made it perfect for the backdrop of good times.

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    I think everybody has a musician that theyre a huge fan of,that frustrates the hell out of you,because nobody else seems to get it.
    Mine is Warren Zevon

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    I think its funny how you miss certain singers in life, and when you find them you get a shock. Now for 15 years I did security with the biggest groups in the World for Harvey Goldsmith. But I had never heard of Paul Carrick, also He is from my City. Id never seen Mike and the Mechanics dont ask me why I havent a clue. Now I cant get enougth of Him. Going to His Concert next Month, cant wait
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    Working one night at an audition Gig 3 bands one after the other doing a set. It was the punk era late 70s, got a shout to go to the Stage to listen to this Band. They were Terrific, but talking to everyone it was decided they wouldnt make it they were playing the great stuff at the wrong time shame, the Band Dire Straits, got that wrong
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap View Post
    Working one night at an audition Gig 3 bands one after the other doing a set. It was the punk era late 70s, got a shout to go to the Stage to listen to this Band. They were Terrific, but talking to everyone it was decided they wouldnt make it they were playing the great stuff at the wrong time shame, the Band Dire Straits, got that wrong
    Theres this band from Bethlehem PA, that will never make it, they are just too weird called Zen For Primates
    But I swear milking a couple beers watching them live is a flat out experience,probably the most talented band that wont ever make it.

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    Quote Originally Posted by Trainer Monkey View Post
    I think everybody has a musician that theyre a huge fan of,that frustrates the hell out of you,because nobody else seems to get it.
    Mine is Warren Zevon
    Warren Zevon was a fucking genuis!
    Sadly, I never really got into him before it was almost too late - about the time The Wind came out. Beautiful, beautiful stuff, and very, very honest to boot. Afterwards I've listened to pretty much all of his stuff retrospectively.

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikkel_K View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Trainer Monkey View Post
    I think everybody has a musician that theyre a huge fan of,that frustrates the hell out of you,because nobody else seems to get it.
    Mine is Warren Zevon
    Warren Zevon was a fucking genuis!, I never really got into him before it was almost too late - about the time The Wind came out. Beautiful, beautiful stuff, and very, very honest to boot. Afterwards I've listened to pretty much all of his stuff retrospectively.
    I got to see him live twice,really cool live show. No bells and whistles needed, just a man, a guitar,and a sardonic wit.
    Also author of one of,in not THE greatest boxing related song ever

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    How I ever missed Paul Carrick is one of Lifes Mysterys
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    I liked him too alot, but then I like Shirley Bassey Tom Jones,even Enrico,the three tennors, HArry Seacombe ,Striseland and everyone else that ever sang well. Except for Rod Steward and that old mob pratt from the states who talked and waffled through a song instead of singing properly; Frank Sinatra.Oh and that chick from the early 90's that sounded like a sheep barring .
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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    Jose was a great musician...Funny I had seen this thread my Father and I were just talking about him the other day....We were having a discussion on guitar players we felt were the most talented throughout the years and his name came up on our list

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    Default Re: <- An artist who has been kept in the shadows for many decades ->

    Quote Originally Posted by DaxxKahn View Post
    Jose was a great musician...Funny I had seen this thread my Father and I were just talking about him the other day....We were having a discussion on guitar players we felt were the most talented throughout the years and his name came up on our list
    Jose def. one of the underrated guitar players...

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