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Thread: Just watched a show called hooked!Dont usually watch fishing shows, this onewas great

  1. #1
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    Default Just watched a show called hooked!Dont usually watch fishing shows, this onewas great

    This Gt fisherman named Luke, fit as ,trains to land giant Trevalleys.

    Anyway this bloke eventually lands a fish of about 15 to 20 lbs and it gets eaten in half by a shark on the same reef. He lands a giant its over 150 lbs! takes him ages even pulls the boat backwards towards the reef but this guy fight on and gets it into the boat. They film it with him exausted holding it up in his arms its nearly 5 feet long.They put it back in the water and the fish is taking water through its gills so they let it go and the fish just gives up and floats piroette down into the depths. Luke fukkin dives in to save it and try to bring itback to life! sharks the whole nine yards and this bloke cradles the fish for 10 miniutes treading water in some 20 feet deep water and the fish kicks off and lives.

    What A ledgend!

    Luke is the man!
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Just watched a show called hooked!Dont usually watch fishing shows, this onewas g

    Hate fishing supposed to be therapeutic but do not need any therapy.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Just watched a show called hooked!Dont usually watch fishing shows, this onewas g


    That sounds awesome! I'm not really into fishing programmes either, but that sounds quite watchable.

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