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Thread: Are fans confusing mind games with fighters refusing to make fights?

  1. #1
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    Default Are fans confusing mind games with fighters refusing to make fights?

    I look around on just this forum but around the internet and I find it funny that so many fans that used to have great debates with each other in a civil manner are actually getting hostile with each other over some opf these fights not happening...

    I can't count how many people have gone back and forth about Haye/Klitschko....Manny/Floyd.....Like we forget this is a hughe sport with so many other fighters...but with that aside....

    Boxing is more mental then physical I promise that...We have all seen fighters who have the physical talent to beat a certain opponent but if that opponent gets into their head or they can not get off in the start of the fight the way they had planned things fall apart....Guys like PBF/Manny etc are past those issues in the ring...They can adapt to each other as needed then it truly comes down to skill neither man will be dejected...neither has thus far even in situations where they are in places they have not been as fighters.....

    Haye and Klitschko are a bit more fragile in the mind...Wlad has some KO losses that still haunt him and Haye I really don't think is as confident as he would like people to believe hence the motor mouth syndrome.....This is why each man must gain some sort of advantage out of the ring....

    EG- Manny/PBF- Since in truth skill wise both men are at the pinnicle they want what they want when entering the ring...Both are used to getting their way....Floyd loves to play games during negotiations and he loves to do stuff ot annoy his opp before fights....Befor the DLH bout he talked trash made remarks about Mexican fighters came to the ring wearing a Sombrero the wrong way (Though I rteally don't think Floyd realized this ha ha).....The when the bout starts and his opp can not land clean shots they become frustrated and the anger they already have from mind games before the bout works against them they lose focus and Floyd picks them apart....Manny does not fall into the games he is not a guy who gets angered easily so this is not a tactic that works well for Floyd...So Floyd makes demands....While Manny is easy going he is also a superstart and he will not be told what he MUST do to make a fight and he plays the game back by making demands that he will agree to the terms put on him by team Mayweather but only if done HIS way....That botyhers Floyd and the ego war ensues....One fighter will crack eventually it is just a matter of time when....

    Haye is a guy who wants to be the biggest name in boxing overnight...He really does want to retire young because he is no fool..He knows this is a prime time for a man like him in boxing...Young strong, good looking can hit hard has speed....So he is a draw and he can make big money quickly but on the other hand he knows life is long after boxing so make your money and your name then get out...Not a bad plan if you ask me I wish more guys followed suit and we would have less fighters that we see as shells of their former selves 20yrs down the line......But on the other side the Klitschkos have egos as well and they have been the top of the food chain for quite some time and WILL not be dictated to.....They have all the toys and Haye wants to play with them but Haye does not want to play at their he tries to goat them into getting mad and fgighting him on his terms just to shut him up...Good plan on Hayes behalf in truth but like the issue with PBF...Wlad is not going to get riled and allow himself to be nhe agrees to fights and ask little things that rteally are not so much because in the end both will make a ton of cash but small things like What corner he wants to fight out of, he picks the ringside doctor etc....Does it matter what country the doctor comes from? no the doctor has little to nothing to do with the bout but Haye is not going to fight on their terms at 100% either........./.

    The level these men fight at I guarentee you none of them are ducking anyone nor nare they afraid of anyone...These guys are elite and if they had fear in their hearts they would not be on the top of the gaME TODAY they would have folded long ago...They are all mentally strong but to a limit as every man is....Each one o fthese guys is playing a game that has been going on in boxing long long befoe they ever thought about taking up the sport or even before some pof mthem were ever born.....Ali was the master of it...Haye reminded me of him a bit (No not skill wise) when he tracked Wlad down at the airport and spouted shit to him on the escalator...Ali used to go to guys houses as he did with Liston putting abear trap on his front lawn or to their training camps and rile the shit out of them....It worked in his favor.....

    It is taking wayyy to long for these fights to come off but these guys are playing games and are in a stale mate right now....because neither team has folded under the pressure to fight the other yet and neither will budge to the other....In the end agreements will be made (I should thinkanyhow due to the excessive amounts of money to be made sooner or latewr one will say the hell with it lets just get it on) it just depends on who gets tired of the games first.....

    So keep these things in mind when we start debating the topics and start getting mad at each other over whose fault it is the fights are not happeneing....Rememebr they are playing the games and we are the ones who fall into it...Instead of getting into an arguement with a fellow poster you have gotten along with for years shit just give the guys who are making fights like Martinez, JuanMa, the Super 6 participants the Bantamweight fighters JMM and so on the energy of debate because in truth those are the guys who are worth our dollar no?

    If the others don't care enough to say the hell with it lets just fight support the guys who are fighting because the more support they get the more fights and bigger names they go on to and the bigger the paydays for them.....Fans make the paydays in the end....Because it is up to us who we do and don't see and who nwe pay for and do not pay for.....That money trickles to the fighters......

    Would you rather see Martinez figfht the best out there, The Super 6 guys face each other in other bouts, see if JMM can get some big bouts at 140?....Bradley and Alexander have round robins with Khan and Maidana or would we rather sit and wait for these other guys to finally give in to one another?.....When it happens it happens and we can watch then but unbtil then the hell with them....I want to see the guys looking to do their jobs and looking to provide us with the best fights they can.....Gee fighters that actually care more about the sport, fans and legacy then making fun of each other on youtube? Crazy concept isn't it?

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    Default Re: Are fans confusing mind games with fighters refusing to make fights?

    It does matter where the Doctor is from. The British Boxing Board of Control have a select list of qualified doctors approved to work corners (British doctors). Therefore a German/foreign doctor is against the rules.

    Wlad insisting on a German doctor was just a clever way of refusing to fight in England.. without people calling him a ducker and what not

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    Default Re: Are fans confusing mind games with fighters refusing to make fights?

    Great stuff Daxx. Everything except the Haye and good looking part.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Are fans confusing mind games with fighters refusing to make fights?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Fightfan View Post
    Great stuff Daxx. Everything except the Haye and good looking part.
    Meant it in a way where they guy does not want to end up looking beat down from too many ring wars is all.....When it comes to looks if I really had to make a judgement call on a man who was a fighter I would be a Value supporter myself ...

    Plus doesn't Haye do some or hasn't he done some modeling in the past?

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    Default Re: Are fans confusing mind games with fighters refusing to make fights?

    That was a good read from Dax's post. I agree on that elite level fighters aren't scared to fight anyone. It's mostly the blind fanboys that thinks that the opposition is scared to fight their favorite fighter or the guy they're rooting for. It's more of negotiations than anything.

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