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Thread: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
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    Default 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    And dats no joke, blokes.

    wtf?? this Freak Monster was blowing away people. 1973 George Foreman would literally annihilate the K brothers in 3 rounds. David Haye wouldn't last HALF of what Ken Norton and Joe Frazier lasted. Evander Holyfield woulda been knocked COLD STONE COLD since he prolly woulda fought "up" in his chihuahua complex like he did against Bowe and got knocked the fuck out. Foreman at age 42 almost knocked Holyfield the motherfuck out WITH A MOTHERFUCKIN JAB!

    Big George TAKES EVERY MOTHER OUT. He would destroy Ali if there'd been a rematch. All GF had to do in the rematch was throw that telephone pole jab one-for-one with Ali's jab and conserve his energy a bit.
    Last edited by brocktonblockbust; 05-13-2011 at 12:49 PM.

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    i would like proof that Foreman smokes and what brand?

    job biscuit (if he rolls his own thats fine with me)!!!

    eh eh!!!

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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    I am a huge Foreman fan and I agree 1973 Foreman would destroy Haye and both Klits, BUT he wasn't quite the same after the Ali fight so to say he would destroy Ali in a rematch is a little unfair. Ali said before the fight he was going to let George tire and then get him and thats exactly what he did. Foreman should have been ready for those tactics. Also Ali was on the slide from there on too, I think that justice was done in the one fight they had. Both men were still young(ish) and close to their primes.

    As for Evander being Sparked cold............. I don't know, nobody Sparked Evander BUT nobody hit as hard as Foreman and that includes Tyson. I have mountains of respect for both men and I would literally give my right arm to have both men in their primes fighting in the division now.

    I personally think prime for prime Evander vs Big George is a very hard fight to call but I think I would go for Foreman stopping him. Not sure Evander would be out cold though, think ref might have to stop it like he did with Frazier vs Foreman. Not saying Foreman didn't have the power to clean KO Evander, But having the power to do it and actually doing it before the the ref stops the fight are 2 different things.

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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    1974 George couldn't 'Smoke everybody' so not sure what happened in the 12 months since 1973
    God is a concept, By which we can measure, Our pain, I'll say it again, God is a concept, By which we can measure, Our pain, I don't believe in magic, I don't believe in I-ching, I don't believe in bible, I don't believe in tarot, I don't believe in Hitler, I don't believe in Jesus, I don't believe in Kennedy, I don't believe in Buddha, I don't believe in mantra, I don't believe in Gita, I don't believe in yoga, I don't believe in kings, I don't believe in Elvis, I don't believe in Zimmerman, I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me!!

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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    Agree that Foreman was a monster. But Ali figured him out. The question is are there other iron-willed and iron jawed and/or creative guys in the ring who could have handled him?

    1902ish Jim Jeffries was as big and powerful as Foreman and was accustomed to taking blows from five ounce gloves without a mouthpiece and going 20 rounds. Woulda been a war and the question is would Foreman's stamina have held up.

    How about a guy like 1960ish Liston? That jab would have been a threat wouldn't it?

    I guess I don't really think slick, smooth guys like Tunney or Loughran or Walcott make it 15 with George.
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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    George was raw and as Ali showed he could be beaten. Lennox, Holmes and Tyson would do him.
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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    George was raw and as Ali showed he could be beaten. Lennox, Holmes and Tyson would do him.
    Lennox and Tyson would have no shot. None, zero, zilch

    OK, that's hyperbole.
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    I think Liston beats him 9 times outta 10.

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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by marbleheadmaui View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    George was raw and as Ali showed he could be beaten. Lennox, Holmes and Tyson would do him.
    Lennox and Tyson would have no shot. None, zero, zilch

    OK, that's hyperbole.
    Lennox never lost to anyone who he thought as a threat, so he would not take George lightly. He would concentrate and use his jab to break down the raw and inexperienced Foreman. Just like Lennox did to Rudduck, Golota and Grant.

    Tyson would come at George in angles, landing with speed and movement. George will take the punches but would wilt under the speed and unseen punches.
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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by marbleheadmaui View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    George was raw and as Ali showed he could be beaten. Lennox, Holmes and Tyson would do him.
    Lennox and Tyson would have no shot. None, zero, zilch

    OK, that's hyperbole.
    Lennox never lost to anyone who he thought as a threat, so he would not take George lightly. He would concentrate and use his jab to break down the raw and inexperienced Foreman. Just like Lennox did to Rudduck, Golota and Grant.

    Tyson would come at George in angles, landing with speed and movement. George will take the punches but would wilt under the speed and unseen punches.
    I seriously do not understand the notion that Lennox is this machine when motivated. First, as you note, he wasn't always so it is an irrelevant metric and second when mediocrities can knock him out and an older Evander can give him everything he wants? Isn't the right bet Foreman can too?

    Tyson, as always has three rounds to win. Despite my hyyperbole is isn't impossible he does so, BUT since George was never finished in three and only rarely even hurt that early and Tyson always faded after three isn't the right bet that George survives and lays down a savage beating?
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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by marbleheadmaui View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by marbleheadmaui View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    George was raw and as Ali showed he could be beaten. Lennox, Holmes and Tyson would do him.
    Lennox and Tyson would have no shot. None, zero, zilch

    OK, that's hyperbole.
    Lennox never lost to anyone who he thought as a threat, so he would not take George lightly. He would concentrate and use his jab to break down the raw and inexperienced Foreman. Just like Lennox did to Rudduck, Golota and Grant.

    Tyson would come at George in angles, landing with speed and movement. George will take the punches but would wilt under the speed and unseen punches.
    I seriously do not understand the notion that Lennox is this machine when motivated. First, as you note, he wasn't always so it is an irrelevant metric and second when mediocrities can knock him out and an older Evander can give him everything he wants? Isn't the right bet Foreman can too?

    Tyson, as always has three rounds to win. Despite my hyyperbole is isn't impossible he does so, BUT since George was never finished in three and only rarely even hurt that early and Tyson always faded after three isn't the right bet that George survives and lays down a savage beating?
    Lennox may have struggled with Evander but that is a completely different fighter to the raw George who wanted to knock out everyone.

    A prime Tyson had no problem going 12 or even 15 rounds if he had to as he systematically beat his opponents up until they were stopped.
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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by marbleheadmaui View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by marbleheadmaui View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    George was raw and as Ali showed he could be beaten. Lennox, Holmes and Tyson would do him.
    Lennox and Tyson would have no shot. None, zero, zilch

    OK, that's hyperbole.
    Lennox never lost to anyone who he thought as a threat, so he would not take George lightly. He would concentrate and use his jab to break down the raw and inexperienced Foreman. Just like Lennox did to Rudduck, Golota and Grant.

    Tyson would come at George in angles, landing with speed and movement. George will take the punches but would wilt under the speed and unseen punches.
    I seriously do not understand the notion that Lennox is this machine when motivated. First, as you note, he wasn't always so it is an irrelevant metric and second when mediocrities can knock him out and an older Evander can give him everything he wants? Isn't the right bet Foreman can too?

    Tyson, as always has three rounds to win. Despite my hyyperbole is isn't impossible he does so, BUT since George was never finished in three and only rarely even hurt that early and Tyson always faded after three isn't the right bet that George survives and lays down a savage beating?
    Lennox may have struggled with Evander but that is a completely different fighter to the raw George who wanted to knock out everyone.

    A prime Tyson had no problem going 12 or even 15 rounds if he had to as he systematically beat his opponents up until they were stopped.
    Except he never did.
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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    Tyson went the distance 4 times, winning them all.
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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Tyson went the distance 4 times, winning them all.
    That's not what you said. You said he could go 12-15 AND STOP THEM! I'm not sure the Bonecrusher or Ruddock or Tillis performances would be held us as any sort of paragons. I don't know what the other one was. The legendary Blood Green maybe? might have been Tyson (IIRC) NEVER stopped anyone after what? Seven rounds and i think he only did that twice. On the other hand, he got KO'd what? 3-4 times after round seven didn't he?
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    Default Re: 1973 George Foreman smokes EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by marbleheadmaui View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Tyson went the distance 4 times, winning them all.
    That's not what you said. You said he could go 12-15 AND STOP THEM! I'm not sure the Bonecrusher or Ruddock or Tillis performances would be held us as any sort of paragons. I don't know what the other one was. The legendary Blood Green maybe? might have been Tyson (IIRC) NEVER stopped anyone after what? Seven rounds and i think he only did that twice. On the other hand, he got KO'd what? 3-4 times after round seven didn't he?
    And how many times did a prime George go the distance (the one before the retirement)
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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