Which do you prefer, are you a Trekkie or do you prefer the laser sword.
Which do you prefer, are you a Trekkie or do you prefer the laser sword.
Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.
Star Wars all the way, in my mind episodes I, II and III never happened.
For every story told that divides us, I believe there are a thousand untold that unite us.
Same with the Star Treck franchise liked the new generation and hated William Shatner shagging different aliens.
Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.
Original Star Wars films were quality, much better than the newer films with huge budgets and technology, they cost £80 to make , blue peter done the sets, and the costumes came from dodgy charity shops ,but it was class.
star trek forever and ever. nothıng wıll take away that bare-bones magıc of 1965 was ıt.
star trek forever. by the tıme star wars came out the world already sucked.
A bit difficult to compare like for like. The original first three Star Wars films were a brilliant example of a traditional story arc, using the same format as Greek, Roman and modern literature the heroes quest just hooks you in young or old. Lucas in many ways has never bettered them and for what they are, they are damn near faultless. Star Trek has a great history of posing interesting philosophical questions and this reached it's apex under te captaincy of Jean Luc Picard. Shatner was fun and for baby boomers and those that enjoyed it first time around will probably never be beat. I loved generations when I used to do buckets and other mind altering naughtiness, the combination was great fun. Can't choose between either, feel nerdy enough already discussing it. Must wash brain.
Agreed! Star Wars is great! I was a huge Boba Fett fan until they changed his voice to be a God damned Kiwi from New fucking Zeland!!!
He sounded more 'Dirty Harry' in the original
I always thought the next Star Wars movies should have been completely retooled movies unrelated to the originals...perhaps a more indepth view into the bounty hunters
Maybe it's the rucksack/jetpack finding work in bars thing. Your right tho the Bounty Hunter us a great character and Bobba Fett kicked ass, jah jah binks just was an ass. Binks was like Chris Rock without the jokes suffering from polio. I always thought the character seemed like a bit of a clumsy racial stereotype as tho all black guys should be in the NBA and be stoners. Lando was the way to go he was one cool mutha.
I never for the life of me made the Jar jar/ Al Jolson connection but I can totally see it haha!! Ohhhh Mammy.
Nothing, and I mean nothing comes close to the original three Star wars. The prequils were like stealing artifacts from some ancient high chief Indian burial ground. I know Yoda was in ninja mode and we saw the entire wookie culture but it was just....lame. Original Star trek and early Khan for me as well. Did you see some of the yeoman women on that thing?!?! Kirk was full on cheese but that's when acting led the way and cgi was fishing line tied to a model![]()
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