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Thread: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fight

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    Angry Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fight

    Canelo "threw" the fight with Floyd, and was paid to allow Floyd to win, on purpose.

    Canelo was missing on purpose and hitting Mayweather in the elbows, instead of the body and head.

    just look at some of the highlights and you'll see Canelo fake his punches.

    This is why Oscar was absent, cause he knew the fight was FIXED.
    Oscar tricked Canelo into "throwing the fight" cause Oscar told Canelo that he would be hanged inside the rehab, by mobsters (illuminati soldiers), if Canelo didnt allow Floyd to win.

    Oscar lied to Canelo, and always wanted Floyd to win, cause he promotes Floyd on a fight-per-fight basis, and has just had Floyd sign a 6-fight deal with SHOWTIME SPORTS, which is owned by Oscar's friend and business partner-Stephen Espinoza.

    Even Canelo hinted that the fight was fixed, by stating in the post fight interview that none of Floyd's punches had power to them.
    He said that none of Floyd's punches hurt him, so he could've traded with him, but didn't.

    Last edited by Jose G; 12-11-2013 at 09:19 PM.

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    even this guy admits the fight was fake:

    Last edited by Jose G; 12-11-2013 at 09:20 PM.

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    and so do these other posters from YouTube, also agree the fight was fixed in Floyd's favor:

    · Bill Pulido3 days ago
    yes that fight was fixed austin trout got knocked down for the first time of his canelo.Gay weather ducked austin trout because he knew he would loose.The only reason he faught canelo is because he knew it was a fixed fight.
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    Nicolus Perez1 week ago
    Its not the boxer's fault at all. The fault lies on the greedy boxing commission. they let shit like this happen. Referees, judges, commissioners, promoters, they are all bought. Theres too much money involved. Every one can be bought. Theres nothing no one can do about it. Waste of time buddy. If certain people really wanted this bull to stop. They it would of been stopped a long time ago. Unless your a billionaire. Then you are wasting your time
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    biggb oss1 week ago
    am I the 50th person to say ( yes canelo sold him self) I new it man that fight was wak canelo could of done a lot better now he want to fight cotto boy if u wernt throwin that fight n u wer realy tryn I think cotto will skool u to cotto did a lot bettr with mayweather then nelo I will nevr pay for another fight wakkkkkkkkkk
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    F1ips1d3rz2 weeks ago
    Flloyd is illuminati sell out like the rest of them and that's why he's not going to lose. Only way he'll lose if he goes against the oath.
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    hypnotik714able2 weeks ago
    Gayweather turned wwe after the de la hoya fight they both sold out and fucked up the boxing scene up. They hype up fighters and cash them out with a gayweather bout. Its sad but true. Fixed fake fraud. Fuck them.
    Reply ·

    Gerardo Lopez2 weeks ago
    Agree 100% most of people that know about boxing saw a Canelo that didnt want to fight just like Corrales ,Chicanito Hernandez ,De La Hoya and Castillo in the 2nd fight because Castillo beat him on the first fight. Mayweather and De La Hoya have disgraced the sport of boxing
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    Souf Side2 weeks ago
    yeeeuup fight was rigged as fuck. Canelo sold him self out. Did you hear was oscars fraud ass had to say after he submitted him self into rehab after the fight? "I gave canelo the wrong blueprint, i was high." Bahahahaaa. When it comes to mayweather i feel like boxing is like WWE.
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    Mario Ugarte2 weeks ago
    Thanks man I been telling everyone about this fight been fixed ever sence they anouce it
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    cano magana2 weeks ago
    I can't believe the FBI is not doing anything about it. This fihts was a piece of Corrupt Crap. Can somebody please report DE la HOya and Mayweather to the FBI. IT was so funny how De la Hoya and Mayweather were pretending not be friends if they are business Assosiates and Mayweather is super close and friends with Canelo. It just so sad
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    cano magana2 weeks ago
    I'm so tired of watching Maywheater and Oscar de la Hoya Productions making FAKE Fraudelent fights. I can't believe the FBI is not doing anything about it. YOu can just tell when boxers are fake fighting. LEt's do it man lets report this FRAUD, CORRUPTION, on de la HOYA and MAyweather to the FBI. It was so funny watcking De la Hoya pretending not to know or not to be friends with the MAyweather like if we don'yt know the are business associates and Canelo is like Dela Hoya son and is super
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    Nuk Official3 weeks ago
    Yes i agree. It just looked FIXED to me. Canelo was landing alot with the Jab so as a boxer you know the basic rules already why not keep using it? Canelo did not get to 42-0 on sheer luck he knows the basics and i honestly think he was paid to lose. Also, the Mafia runs Las Vegas and im sure they bet on Floyd somebody was paid off in my opinion because Canelo just stopped fighting after the 4th or 5th round just walking up to Floyd not even using his defense at all it looked FIXED in my opinion
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    Oshawn James3 weeks ago
    Shit 50 mil with a loss,i hear u
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    Nuk Official3 weeks ago
    Floyd was spectacular this video is just my opinion but Floyd looked really good i commend him fo being so great but i do think it was kind of funny that Oscar was not there and this is his fighter. This is the biggest fight of your fighters career and youre not there? Look a little fishy you know?
    Reply ·in reply to Oshawn James (Show the comment)[/font3 weeks ago[/size]
    Damn thats fucked up,yeah Bradley fight vs pac sucked ass. I dont know how that nigga got that win over pacman. shit was def rigged.The commision changed the decision,but never overturned it smdh.Shit cray in boxing son
    size=2]All mayweather fight are if we talk about mike tyson, roy jones, chavez sr, mahammad ali....they are real fight and they were excited to watch...but mayweather is boring.....i still dont dont get it,,how do people pay a mayweather fight when they know is fixed and boring

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    and so do these posters from YouTube agree the fight was FIXED:

    gambit70212 weeks ago
    Canelo was threaten he had to lose why do you think he didn't want his daughter face shown on all access I think they had every intention of winning but as the fight closer canelo and his team life was threaten
    Reply ·

    RIVERAFILMS2 weeks ago
    Your right! It almost seemed like Mayweather was following a script.... even with all the apologies after the fight! I think it was over kill! De La Hoya knew that fight was fixed..... that is why he was not there! I gave the fight to Mayweather by 1 point but the announcers swear it was so lopsided! Canelo stop pressing the fight & did expose himself-as if it was purposely done! He gave the fight away! Even if Canelo dominated the fight all the way thru, had no chance of winning.
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    Matty DeShields2 weeks ago
    Great vid man, u think any of his other fights are fixed
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    julius56263 weeks ago
    Hey I don't wanna argue or anything bro but that's called a fake throw. You make it look like your throwing but the other guy knows or has enough time that you gave him to duck or move away. It was a scam, I am disappointed Canelo sold out and that Oscar sold out a young kid and a good fighter. Oscar himself thrw the fight so what can you say, they all have a vested interest in creating Floyd's image, they are all in it togethr,it's a pyramid scam basically or conspiracy of fraud in legal terms.
    Reply ·in reply to sergiovictoir (Show the comment)
    julius56263 weeks ago
    Ha, I could tell you were a smart dude, not many people caught that hustle fake fight fix. It's all in those small little things here and there that you have to put together critical thinking like. Good vid and Mayweather and Goldenboy probably are going to destroy your account home boy but good video, happy someone else saw this sad shit. The look on Canelo's face alone, said it all. He looks like a young kid who just sold out and regretted it and hated himself for it in the post fight intrvw.
    Reply ·in reply to Nuk Official (Show the comment)
    julius56263 weeks ago
    I agree. If anyone knows a hustle and how it works, you can see it in this fight. After seeing Canelo's facial expressions, it says it all. He looks unhappy or ashamed of something and it's not that he lost. Also Oscar not being there, was the first sign something was night right. I guess that the guilt or shame in letting the fight get fixed and let Canelo's carreer go down the toilet got to him which triggered his drug or alcohol use, interpersonal struggles..Fuckt up but money rules all.
    Reply ·in reply to Nuk Official (Show the comment)
    Chris Smith3 weeks ago
    I dont get why floyd does buisness with golden boy if he has his own promotion company ,unless golden boy tell floyd do buisness with us and we will make u win.There is alot of money to be made with floyds cbs deal why would they stuff that up for and make floyd lose.
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    Obed Figueroa3 weeks ago
    Thank u
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    e b3 weeks ago
    I agree !!! If a person knows anything about boxing you are definitely left with WTF a lot stuff didn't add up like u said hus hands down plus there was one ooint canelo was like letting mayweather hit him in a weird kind of way like go ahead put a few pops on me I am getting paid.
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    Elio Zavaleta3 weeks ago
    if i got paid 15 mil to take a fall i would too lol and i agree with u with that austin trout fight canelo could of whooped mayweathers ass
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    Jose Uriostegui3 weeks ago
    I get your point, Nuk. Floyd's guaranteed $40 mil vs Canelo's $12 mil , so he probably broke bread with the loser. Then there's the catchweight, which I believed, was the calm before the storm for the down fall of Alvarez. That's two pounds of muscle that diminished his power and ruined the chances of him winning by KO. Then as you mentioned, he just stopped fighting the way he does. No jab. No Tyson like uppercuts, which is punch that he throws. Good for Mayweather. Bad for boxing
    Reply ·

    poroso1323 weeks ago
    Money rules every thing around you.. It's really hard to make your average boxing fan
    Understand what your talking about Nuk, they remain on the other sites verbally
    Insulting each other, racially profiling and disrespecting one another.. Little do they know
    That all men were created equal.. Thanks for the post..
    Reply ·

    fernando arboleda3 weeks ago
    they say oscar had to go to rehab...could be...
    Reply ·in reply to Nuk Official (Show the comment)
    Whitney Burns3 weeks ago
    I totally agree. I believe the Showtime deal has alot to do with it. This fight resembled the Guerrero fight in a way except Canelo is younger and faster and actually gave more a fighting chance.  The fight was a total sham. No way in hell two fighters who are fighting look as clean as they do...Mayweather is no more than a clown and I hope he gets exposed.
    Reply ·

    Nuk Official3 weeks ago
    me and my cousin were saying that a while ago that his last fight will be against pacquaio!!
    Reply ·in reply to kevin kalvin (Show the comment)
    ilovewulves12083 weeks ago
    at 0:52 you can hear a fart
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    Nuk Official3 weeks ago
    i didnt fart lol
    Reply ·in reply to ilovewulves1208 (Show the comment)
    Nuk Official3 weeks ago
    thats was cousin saying "uh huh" she was on the phone lol
    Reply ·in reply to ilovewulves1208 (Show the comment)
    Nuk Official3 weeks ago
    youre silly lol
    Reply ·in reply to ilovewulves1208 (Show the comment)
    Arturo Gonzalez3 weeks ago
    Yup I totally agree it was a fixed fight
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    Carlosyblanca Heras3 weeks ago
    you r smart guy not like the rest of people blind cuz of Floyd s money.
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    kevin kalvin3 weeks ago
    I don't think floyd's god his a human being but his money boy he bring in all the money to vegas and around the world. Boxing leaders need floyd to win or suffer huge loses. Now floyd is almost finishing his career and his last fight they will have him lose to a new boxing star. Maybe a re-match with canelo and last fight will be against paquiao?
    Reply ·

    YahStoneMassive3 weeks ago
    I totally agree...Canelo dismantles mosley who almost knocked down Mayweather and all of sudden Canelo shows up forgetting the skills and SMARTS that got him there. Follow the money. Good stuff Nuk.
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    Nuk Official3 weeks ago
    (James 4:11 - 12 ) We should not speak evil of one another, nor judge and condemn one another.
    (Ephesians 4:29) Let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word, nor unwholesome or worthless tale ever come out of your mouth; but only such speech as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others! Basically you need Jesus and i will pray for you. I actually Graduated College with a 3.8 GPA so never judge a book by its cover not every black person from the Ghetto is uneducated!
    Reply ·in reply to Rehyphensportsvlog (Show the comment)
    Nuk Official3 weeks ago
    You know what?/ i approved your comment just to prove a point. 6th Grade education See thats how i know you're white one, and 2 you are a ignorant human being. Firstly, i have an Associates Degree thank you very much. I can speak fluently with corporate America when its required. Dont judge people based of what you think. Im also a Christian. I dont have to speak intelligently at all times because this video was just about fun thats it. Dont judge a book by its cover just because im black!
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    sergiovictoir3 weeks ago
    I saw him catch Floyd with a double jab even.But floyd was catching him too.Canelo was missing alot too even saw a wild energie wasting shot that Mayweather saw comming from a mile away.Mayweather made fun of it.

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    Its not the first time Floyd had a FIXED FIGHT.

    DelaHoya vs. Mayweather Jr. was a FIXED FIGHT too.

    Just look at how Oscar faked his punches and missed on purpose.

    Oscar promotes Floyd, so its really a no-brainer, that Oscar has a financial interest in Floyd's future fights, and aiding Floyd to win, is Oscar goals.

    Last edited by Jose G; 12-11-2013 at 09:24 PM.

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    DelaHoya vs. Pacquiao was also FIXED.

    Oscar faked it, and helped Pac win.
    Oscar is his unofficial promoter anyways.

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    Oh dear, who let this clown in here?

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    Quote Originally Posted by Silkeyjoe View Post
    Oh dear, who let this clown in here?
    I've seen this site 2 years now as a guest.

    Im just spreading the truth.

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    Margarito- cotto 2 was fixed too..

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    Quote Originally Posted by Jose G View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Silkeyjoe View Post
    Oh dear, who let this clown in here?
    I've seen this site 2 years now as a guest.

    Im just spreading the truth.
    Yea or maybe Floyd is just head and shoulders better then Canelo. But i see it now. That shit judge who scored it a draw was just a decoy to get everyone away from thinking it was fixed.

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    Both tried to throw the fight ,it's just Canelo was better at it.

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    I thought Max power was coming up with a new theory again?
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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    dam it guys if y'all just kept quiet and didn't respond he would have thought nobody's here and be on his merry way

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    Default Re: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Canelo Alvarez was a FIXED FIGHT...( Canelo faked his fi

    Quote Originally Posted by armin View Post
    dam it guys if y'all just kept quiet and didn't respond he would have thought nobody's here and be on his merry way
    We say the same thing about you but you never go away.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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