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Thread: ON TRUMP'S BIRTHDAY: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

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    Default ON TRUMP'S BIRTHDAY: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    These are the first shots of the American Civil War Revisited the shooter was a left-wing liberal who went up to the gate behind the baseball field and asked if the baseball practice was for republicans Senators congressmen or for Democrats period he then proceeded on to the Third Base Line and emptied at least four full clips trying to take out as many Republican Senators and representatives as possible before he was shot by Washington DC capitol police and arrested. The constant narrative from the alt left of violence and cutting off the heads of the president and Republican Senators and blowing up the White House has finally taking its toll these are the first shots of the Civil War
    Last edited by brocktonblockbust; 06-17-2017 at 01:06 PM.

  2. #2
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    Let's see the facts haven't come out just yet but I'm going to say we're probably dealing with a delusional (are there any other kind?) hardcore leftist and not a Militant Muslim.

    ....luckily it's not a Jihadi because I think the aim would have been better, but hey we'll wait and see.

    It was not too long ago when Gabby Giffords was shot (by an insane person) that the mainstream media said "The rhetoric is too violent, too extreme, we need to tone it down" meanwhile since Trump has been President he's been portrayed as being shot by Snoop Dogg, decapitated by Kathy Griffin, stabbed to death by Shakespeare in the park as part of their take on Julius Caesar, burned in effigy, made into lord knows how many pinatas....but hey I guess it's totally fine if this kind of thing happens to Republicans why?

    The answer is as simple as it is'll get people talking about gun control AGAIN.
    Last edited by El Kabong; 06-15-2017 at 04:02 AM.

  3. #3
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    From the Washington Post

    The shooter at the GOP congressional baseball practice this morning is James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Ill., according to law enforcement officials. Hodgkinson, 66, owns a home inspection business. His home inspection license expired in November 2016 and was not renewed, state records show.

    Hodgkinson was charged in April 2006 with battery and aiding damage to a motor vehicle, according to online records in St. Clair County, Illinois. The charges were dismissed, records show.

    ....and in checking his facebook, surprise surprise, he's a BERNIE BRO

    I WIN! I WIN! I won the predict who done did tha crime game!!!!!

    His FB avatar is as follows

    Sooooo yeah, bad day for lefties

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    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    Aren't you boys always waffling on about - "if the victims/bystanders had guns?"

    How come the old biddy wasn't wiped out before getting off 50 rounds? Luckily he was blind.

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    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    There WAS an aide with a .22 and he fired 8 shots at the shooter, ALLOWING 7 Congressman to temporarily run behind the backstop/dugout THEREBY PREVENTING THE MASSACRE OF 35 Congressmen. @Fenster

  6. #6
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Aren't you boys always waffling on about - "if the victims/bystanders had guns?"

    How come the old biddy wasn't wiped out before getting off 50 rounds? Luckily he was blind.

    Thankfully the Capitol Police were there and good guys with guns stopped the bad guy with a gun.

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    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    Damn shame and exactly what we do not want or need. First tinfoil hat host on local radio initially mouthed off about it was possibly related to N.O monuments being removed too easily . That kind of bat shit conspiratorial nonsense we see more and more that can feed these. The guy lived in his van waiting for targets of opportunity busy raging on the net it sounds. And fortunately couldn't shoot for shit but not for lack of trying.

    what's amazing is there would have been zero security in place had Scalise not been there and those two officers absolutely shut him down. Make those two stars!Unfortunately sounds like Scalise took much more damage than initially thought.

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    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Damn shame and exactly what we do not want or need. First tinfoil hat host on local radio initially mouthed off about it was possibly related to N.O monuments being removed too easily . That kind of bat shit conspiratorial nonsense we see more and more that can feed these. The guy lived in his van waiting for targets of opportunity busy raging on the net it sounds. And fortunately couldn't shoot for shit but not for lack of trying.

    what's amazing is there would have been zero security in place had Scalise not been there and those two officers absolutely shut him down. Make those two stars!Unfortunately sounds like Scalise took much more damage than initially thought.
    Scalise was shot at 2nd base and had to drag himself about 40 feet into center field according to Rand Paul who was near first base at that time. The shooter was still spraying bullets all over the field and people were pinned down all over the infield. The shooter emptied up to 5 clips, Paul said it was atleast 50 shots maybe 60. Unfucking real.

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    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Aren't you boys always waffling on about - "if the victims/bystanders had guns?"

    How come the old biddy wasn't wiped out before getting off 50 rounds? Luckily he was blind.
    He had a rifle much longer range than a pistola

  10. #10
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Damn shame and exactly what we do not want or need. First tinfoil hat host on local radio initially mouthed off about it was possibly related to N.O monuments being removed too easily . That kind of bat shit conspiratorial nonsense we see more and more that can feed these. The guy lived in his van waiting for targets of opportunity busy raging on the net it sounds. And fortunately couldn't shoot for shit but not for lack of trying.

    what's amazing is there would have been zero security in place had Scalise not been there and those two officers absolutely shut him down. Make those two stars!Unfortunately sounds like Scalise took much more damage than initially thought.
    Why again were the statues of Confederate Generals being taken down? They ARE a part of history....a part of history well worth remembering.

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    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    These "How could this have been prevented" and "What warning signs were there that this guy would go off" angles are becoming tiresome and repetitive. In this particular case, the answer is basically "NOTHING, pretty much." It's a classic horse and barndoor scenario.

    Society is f*cked up, and this is the new normal. Can you imagine trying to profile all these nutjobs BEFORE they have a chance to commit their hideous crimes?? You'd have to spend $$ BILLIONS to keep track of all the mentally unhinged people running around who might possibly potentially maybe probably empty their gun clips on a bunch of people someday.

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    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    These "How could this have been prevented" and "What warning signs were there that this guy would go off" angles are becoming tiresome and repetitive. In this particular case, the answer is basically "NOTHING, pretty much." It's a classic horse and barndoor scenario.

    Society is f*cked up, and this is the new normal. Can you imagine trying to profile all these nutjobs BEFORE they have a chance to commit their hideous crimes?? You'd have to spend $$ BILLIONS to keep track of all the mentally unhinged people running around who might possibly potentially maybe probably empty their gun clips on a bunch of people someday.

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    Default Re: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Damn shame and exactly what we do not want or need. First tinfoil hat host on local radio initially mouthed off about it was possibly related to N.O monuments being removed too easily . That kind of bat shit conspiratorial nonsense we see more and more that can feed these. The guy lived in his van waiting for targets of opportunity busy raging on the net it sounds. And fortunately couldn't shoot for shit but not for lack of trying.

    what's amazing is there would have been zero security in place had Scalise not been there and those two officers absolutely shut him down. Make those two stars!Unfortunately sounds like Scalise took much more damage than initially thought.
    Why again were the statues of Confederate Generals being taken down? They ARE a part of history....a part of history well worth remembering.
    Simply put they shouldn't have been. Landrieu grabbed onto rising racial tension much from murderer Dillion roof and is a misguided muppet who believes deleting inanimate symbols and monuments will right the strife and struggle that can often be N.O. in the name of "moving the City forward" and that they were "symbols of a cult of a lost cause". In 2015 City Council voted them a public nuisance. Landrieu frankly stoked discord on 'either side' that really citizens do not wear on their sleeves or take to heart. People here take pride in Southern culture and they take pride in getting along. Apparently he's also convinced himself that the Civil War was entirely and strictly about slavery and nothing else. Citizens of all makes and models are concerned about one thing mostly and it's just being honest...crime and getting shot! Next time I have a statue of Robert E. Lee kick in my front door I'll let him know, just glad we've lessened that chance now . You simply cannot bleach and sanitize history or sweep it under the rug. Supporting the real picture of a historical Cities best and worst times does not make you a flag waving nutter. When Politicians start erasing historical facts in the name of manufactured public opinion we should all be concerned. I don't pretend to speak for ancestors of slaves and racism IS alive and well..but collectively, and N.O is a great melting pot that unites like no other, we have MUCH bigger fish to fry. Like crime if I had not mentioned it . Oh and pot holes and weak levees.

    Initial cost was stated at near 700,000k but when all was said and done it was 2.1 Billion! They actually used off duty firemen..unknown to even their president..who wore masks and flak jackets. And ready for this..under the cover of snipers at 1 or 2 A.M. Now some of the proposed contractors and companies did receive random death threats that were found to be from "anti removal" groups. As did the NOFD after the first was removed. Likewise we had a couple dozen shittards from the "pro removal" side smash downtown shop windows and run rampant with graffiti. I do believe that the majority of both were outsiders. City has it's problem but we are not at each others throats like that. Not at all. I've had too much coffee tonight.

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    Default Re: ON TRUMP'S BIRTHDAY: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    THE DEMOCRAPS pitbulls like Colbert et al calling daily for beheading Trump have caused this.

  15. #15
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: ON TRUMP'S BIRTHDAY: Shooting at GOP baseball practice in Virginia

    It didn't take long for all those left leaning on social media to go from "Aww, well I hope he gets better" to "Soooo, basically he got what he deserved"

    I guess Steve Scalise shouldn't have done all that wrongthink yo, why ain't you woke Steve? Woke up everyone!!!! Get woke stay woke! That's how you don't get shot by an insane leftist!

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