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Thread: The Nasty Weather Thread

  1. #1
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    Default The Nasty Weather Thread

    If you live in the mid-Western plains of the U.S., it's tornadoes, usually around the April-June timeframe. If you live up north, it's blizzards and ice storms. If you live in Saudi Arabia, I suppose some of the desert areas are prone to dust storms. Not sure what extreme weather exists in continental Europe.

    But here in the Caribbean, it's those damn hurricanes. Which over in the Pacific they're called typhoons.

    Damn these things are pesky and insistent.

    Just had the poor people in SE Texas suffer through one of their worst natural disasters on record with Hurricane Harvey. The damn thing stalled over that area and dumped upwards of 30 feet of rain on those poor people. Places like Port Arthur are underwater, and the pictures coming out of Houston are unbelievable. It's like new lakes have been created. The economic impact is colossal, to say nothing of the lives that have been lost. It's like Katrina in New Orleans all over again.

    Now there's soon-to-become Hurricane Irma meandering its way from the west coast of Africa across the Atlantic. Great. It's predicted that high pressure systems will keep the system bearing SW, which of course puts it right on target to smack into the Caribbean and after that probably the SE United States. Hopefully it won't go into the Gulf of Mexico, as the poor folks in Texas can't afford any more storms.

    This is a bitch, having to worry about hurricane season every year. September is usually the worst month, and this year appears to be shaping up no different.

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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    Is it because of global warming? I remember when it snowed here every year when I was a child and now it is very rare for it to snow here.
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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    Climate is cyclic, although I can't say whether the cycles themselves are shifting in some way. This is such a hot topic, though, with the deniers and the believers doing nothing but hurling insults at each other. Some things are difficult to deny, IMO. Then we observe things such as what you've observed. Who's going to argue with that?

  4. #4
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    30 FEET of rain? 30 inches maybe and that is PLENTY!

    Here in NC we get both twisters and hurricanes and every so often a mini earthquake maybe a forest fire as well. I'm pretty ok with anything under a category 3 hurricane depending on where I am in the state above that it's like Ron White said "It's not THAT the wind is blowing it's WHAT the wind is blowing". Flooding isn't as bad in North Carolina unless we get prolonged rain...Texas is flat and there's worse flash flooding.

    I do find it heartening to see humanity at it's best in these times even if on the Internet it's always st it's worst. JJ Watt has been amazing, Joel Osteen has been a typical scumbag, and the average person red black white brown yellow they've stepped up and helped their neighbors in need, I hope VC and his family are safe (not sure if they are near the area but I do know they're in Texas) and I hope going forward in real life we all appreciate each other just a little more.

    Tryin' to reason with Hurricane season, thank God this one is almost over!

    The climate always changes but it's not man doing it.

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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    Irma inbound. Big truck coming! It either nails me or family in neighboring States. They talk Northern turn but simple trajectory and speed makes that highly unlikely I believe. Forget the spaghetti models and currents and fronts. After a while you can watch a system rotate and just know. Friends in Cuba watch your six! Everyone stay safe. I fookn hate these things.

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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Irma inbound. Big truck coming! It either nails me or family in neighboring States. They talk Northern turn but simple trajectory and speed makes that highly unlikely I believe. Forget the spaghetti models and currents and fronts. After a while you can watch a system rotate and just know. Friends in Cuba watch your six! Everyone stay safe. I fookn hate these things.

    Me too. Been boarding up my own house and family houses all day. F*cking monster is Cat 5 with 185 mph winds. It's gonna skim my town up in the NE corner of Puerto Rico, so we're preparing for the worst. Not since Hugo in '89 are people so apprehensive about an approaching hurricane. Safety is of utmost importance, of course. But I'll be bummed about being without power, maybe for weeks after that.... we'll see. Should be passing by tomorrow afternoon into the night.

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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread


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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    The stuff that is happening in Texas is pretty awful. There's lots of poor people there who will lose everything. I'm quite impressed by the groups of people who are helping others.

    Mind you, what is happening in Bangladesh and South Asia is truly biblical. Even poorer people in a third world country with limited infrastructure and a state that can't help.
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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    Stay safe Spicoli and Titofan
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  10. #10
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Irma inbound. Big truck coming! It either nails me or family in neighboring States. They talk Northern turn but simple trajectory and speed makes that highly unlikely I believe. Forget the spaghetti models and currents and fronts. After a while you can watch a system rotate and just know. Friends in Cuba watch your six! Everyone stay safe. I fookn hate these things.

    Me too. Been boarding up my own house and family houses all day. F*cking monster is Cat 5 with 185 mph winds. It's gonna skim my town up in the NE corner of Puerto Rico, so we're preparing for the worst. Not since Hugo in '89 are people so apprehensive about an approaching hurricane. Safety is of utmost importance, of course. But I'll be bummed about being without power, maybe for weeks after that.... we'll see. Should be passing by tomorrow afternoon into the night.
    Although I'm in "Hurricane Alley" I'm not on the coast so the worst thing Hurricanes can do to me is spin off tornadoes (Hugo was the WORST for us too) and/or cause flooding.

    When I was in college I was on the coast and hell if a storm was a Cat 2 or lower we'd have parties which...but hell if it was 75 and sunny out we'd party then too.

    I hope yall both stay safe and dry....have some booze on standby!

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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    The stuff that is happening in Texas is pretty awful. There's lots of poor people there who will lose everything. I'm quite impressed by the groups of people who are helping others.

    Mind you, what is happening in Bangladesh and South Asia is truly biblical. Even poorer people in a third world country with limited infrastructure and a state that can't help.
    We do assume much and take even more for granted in times like these. Lose perspective in that we have more to lose before we're endless despair. Just a month after Katrina we were back to waiting on paper work-insurance, sorting transportation and waiting for the lights to come back on. Jobs to return to. It was rough but it wasn't permanent and you improvised. I see kids scavenge a trash dump in third world countries for a meal and it's sure as shat the last time I ever moaned about eating MREs or warm bottled water.

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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    Tito is a bit quiet of late. Hopefully nothing more than a broken fence and no electricity for a few days.

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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    @TitoFan how you making out bro? Unthinkable that this biatch Maria would run the same course and it looks even more ugly than Irma. Cat. 5 and looks that it is jogging NW at a steady clip. Not sure of your exact location but ffs be safe dude.

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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    Hey bro. We're just bracing for the hit now. The path of Maria takes her right through the NE corner of the island, where I live. Still have power, but it's a matter of several hours before things get wild. When you have a Cat 5 bearing down on you, you can't help second guessing every storm shutter, every tie down, everything around the property that could become a projectile. It's gonna be a loooong night.

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    Default Re: The Nasty Weather Thread

    Hey bro. We're just bracing for the hit now. The path of Maria takes her right through the NE corner of the island, where I live. Still have power, but it's a matter of several hours before things get wild. When you have a Cat 5 bearing down on you, you can't help second guessing every storm shutter, every tie down, everything around the property that could become a projectile. It's gonna be a loooong night.

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