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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #6676
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Yes I saw that. And now Youtube us taking down ANY VIDEO AT ALL that even MENTIONS "ELECTION FRAUD".

    I know, because one of mine was removed last night.

    Total and complete Chinese censorship right FUCKING HERE in America.
    But yet there it is. On Youtube. Right now . Republican's are cannibalizing themselves for a cult figurehead in real time. Honestly it's shameful. And to think back to all that garbage about 'defending democracy from radical leftists' throwing fireworks and rocks.
    Dude I seriously have no idea what you were talking about. It's like we're living in two totally different universes.
    You and anyone else supporting the overthrow of millions of voters in America are very much in a different universe.

  2. #6677
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    A typical Lyle answer. We start with a whatabout. Well yes, I'm sure some Democratic idiots assaulted some Trump supporters at some point over the last four years. There will have been violence from idiots on both sides that we've discussed over the years. This however is something else entirely. This is groups of armed morons assembling outside the homes of state officials with the aim of subverting the democratic process. Only one side has ever done anything like this Lyle.

    There has been no evidence of illegal voting, fraudulent voting or voting machines or any kind of corruption involving election officials. None at all. The election officials in every state have said that the election was free, fair and secure as did the DHS department charged with overseeing the security of the election. There will be less than a hundred isolated examples of voter fraud in this entire election and it'll be idiots on both sides, half of them doing it in uncompetitive states. Trying to overturn the result of this free, fair and secure election on bullshit grounds is indeed fascist.

    And then you end the post with allusions to violence if the election result isn't overturned to your satisfaction. If circumstances did somehow conspire to effect a Trump autogolpe you'd click your heels and salute. What a shameful anti-American you are Lyle.
    Get comfy Kirk. This is something bigger than you or I can're upset someone had a peaceful protest outside their house AAWWWWWW welcome to the club. Maybe next time a Biden supporter will be shot dead in the street like what happened to Aaron Danielson and what did you say about that? What did the LEFT say about it? NOT A GOD DAMNED THING, they still haven' me whatever you want to call me, but do it online

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post

    Voting results don't mean much if the people don't trust them. States handle their own elections, but there needs to be some guidelines which we follow in order to have a vote we can accept as good and free and fair. Voter ID, independent counting, access to counting by the parties involved EQUALLY, etc.
    You already have all those laws thickhead. And for years you've supported the GOP when it was a wholly owned subsidiary of corporations and big business. And it still is under Trump. Trump did every single thing his big business donors wanted while he was in office but spent four years producing a blizzard of culture war bullshit so that none of you idiots noticed.
    Actually NO we don't have those laws because certain people deem them "racist" (for whatever reason). But please call me a "thickhead"'s quite obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

    You don't turn up to a peaceful protest with an assault rifle. This is not peaceful or like anything you see in any other democracy, this is an angry mob demanding that the result of a democratic election be overturned. A bunch of armed thugs trying to subvert the democratic process.

    Random acts of violence by idiots on either side are just that. What did the RIGHT have to say when some idiot shot a policeman and then set fire to and shot at a police station while trying to make it look like he was a protestor on the other side?

    This is a different thing entirely Lyle. This is a political party from its leader on down through its national elected senators and congressmen to its voters trying to subvert the country's democratic process based on zero evidence simply because they don't like how the recent election was decided. This is election fraud happening in plain sight, sedition happening in full view of the country and the rest of the world. Shameful.

    And, thickhead, every single state has voter identification laws, more than half have additional in person voter ID laws when a person votes, every state has senior election staff comprised of members of both parties who run the election and vote counting processes so that both parties are satisfied that the election is fair and both parties have election monitors who monitor both the voting and the counting parts of the election process. You're asking for laws to be enacted that have existed for decades you titanic fucking idiot.

  3. #6678
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    I'm already looking forward to the complaints

    Fulton County adjudicated 106,000

    *ADJUDICATION* is a Dominion override function that is meant for a marginal number of ballots, not *OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND.

    Gwinnet County adjudicated 80,000
    Maricopa County adjudicated 28,000

    But there's no evidence of fraud


    There is no evidence of any fraud in this election Lyle. None at all. A youtube video and some links from months ago don't mean anything.

  4. #6679
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Some interesting points of view on the attempted Trump autogolpe:

    It turns out the fucker in Texas who filed the case that's making all the news is facing 99 years in prison and is desperate for a pardon. Seven senior attorneys in his office made statements to the FBI accusing him of various forms of corruption in addition to the charges he's already facing so of course Texas being Texas they've all been fired and he's still in a job and desperate for a pardon so he filed this bullshit case. And the AGs of nineteen GOP states have piled on because they see it as a way of making a name for themselves with voters for their eventual runs for higher office. Absolutely shameful. The GOP is devolving into a fascist party in real time.

    The bottomless gullibility/goldfish memory of GOP voters:


    Another bullshit lawsuit that doesn't even allege fraud bites the dust. Have a read what the judges have to say:

    And this is the (currently anyway) nonfascist part of the GOP doing what they do:

    Just beautiful. They're not yet willing to get on board with scrapping democracy and just taking power but they're happy to pander to white racism/nationalism to win elections.

    Live reporting from yet another bullshit lawsuit:

    Trump currently 1-55 in court.

    If you want an idea of how the country's legal profession feel about the current situation this is worth a scroll every day:

  5. #6680
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Yes I saw that. And now Youtube us taking down ANY VIDEO AT ALL that even MENTIONS "ELECTION FRAUD".

    I know, because one of mine was removed last night.

    Total and complete Chinese censorship right FUCKING HERE in America.
    But yet there it is. On Youtube. Right now . Republican's are cannibalizing themselves for a cult figurehead in real time. Honestly it's shameful. And to think back to all that garbage about 'defending democracy from radical leftists' throwing fireworks and rocks.
    Dude I seriously have no idea what you were talking about. It's like we're living in two totally different universes.
    You and anyone else supporting the overthrow of millions of voters in America are very much in a different universe.
    you're right I don't support the overthrow of millions of voters in America who voted for Trump because their votes were tainted by illegal votes for Biden.

    You and anyone else not supporting the US Constitution which gives everyone the right to seek relief in the legal system, and that includes Tito, are very much in a different universe. ☺️

  6. #6681
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Yes I saw that. And now Youtube us taking down ANY VIDEO AT ALL that even MENTIONS "ELECTION FRAUD".

    I know, because one of mine was removed last night.

    Total and complete Chinese censorship right FUCKING HERE in America.
    But yet there it is. On Youtube. Right now . Republican's are cannibalizing themselves for a cult figurehead in real time. Honestly it's shameful. And to think back to all that garbage about 'defending democracy from radical leftists' throwing fireworks and rocks.
    Dude I seriously have no idea what you were talking about. It's like we're living in two totally different universes.
    You and anyone else supporting the overthrow of millions of voters in America are very much in a different universe.
    you're right I don't support the overthrow of millions of voters in America who voted for Trump because their votes were tainted by illegal votes for Biden.

    You and anyone else not supporting the US Constitution which gives everyone the right to seek relief in the legal system, and that includes Tito, are very much in a different universe. ☺️

    That's a big mouthful of nothing right there.... don't hurt yourself there, sport.

    Every credible source has debunked the Massive Voter Fraud fraud many times over. You can't come up with one single piece of credible evidence from a reliable source that would even begin to give credence to the billion gallons of Kool-Aid being forced down your throat 24-7. Everything you quote is from a slanted, biased, desperate (cough) news source with Trumpism oozing from its pores.

    I think America has been very patient..... TOO patient..... in letting this charade play out. At what point does the justice system throw Trump and his Minions out on their ass and let the country go about its business?

    Four years from now you'll STILL be babbling Massive Voter Fraud... only the din will have died down to a collective whimper... and only a few dozen passersby will be looking... as when the morbid stop and strain to get a look at a fatal car accident.

    At least Lyle has always been a Trump fan and I can respect consistency. You started off as a rabid Trump fan..... laughingly flopped over to the other side..... and now are back to your old form.

    Tough to take anyone like you seriously.

  7. #6682
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Why would I care what you think about me?

  8. #6683
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I'd be worried if you cared. Plus I might feel compelled to back off. Thankfully that's a non-issue.

  9. #6684
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Damn I really struck a nerve there didn't I Tito fan? Well what you just wrote was the biggest pile of diarrhea ever seen on planet Earth, except for what you wrote right before that. And right before that. And right before that. Ad infinitum.

    So is El Kabong also reading the same pro Trump, debunked, Kool aid garbage, hmmm?

    You're so easy.

  10. #6685
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Damn I really struck a nerve there didn't I Tito fan? Well what you just wrote was the biggest pile of diarrhea ever seen on planet Earth, except for what you wrote right before that. And right before that. And right before that. Ad infinitum.

    So is El Kabong also reading the same pro Trump, debunked, Kool aid garbage, hmmm?

    You're so easy.
    Haha here we go again. I predict in three... two... one... 😂

  11. #6686
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    It's utterly mind-boggling how poorly people understand constitutional law, but with the total mainstream media blackout, I guess it makes sense.

    Stop saying that as though making stuff up makes it true. It is a sad thing to claim when there are victims of actual censorship in prisons around the world. El Kabong used to say the same thing and it is nothing but a lie. There are loads of YouTube videos about Voter Fraud and webpages regurgitating the Deep State bullshit that Trump is poisoning you with, The internet is awash with that sewage.

    How daft to pretend that a pampered spoilt fat white guy who has had everything handed to him on a plate for his entire life is now supposedly a victim, despite grifting millions from working men and woman across the country and ending up as President. You can not hope to not be tainted by that attitude when you defend it.

    Someone should kick the bastard square in the bollocks. He has the blood of so many on his hands and yet here you and El Kabong are pretending that he is some great humanitarian. You can't have it both ways. One minute he has no power and it is the deep state and somebody else's fault when he gets into bed with The Saudis ( the actual people that attacked your country) and backs the bombing of children, uses more drones than Obama, and turns his back on the brave women that fought ISIS, and then all of a sudden you want everyone to congratulate him for bringing about peace in the Middle East. (There have been Jews in Morocco for centuries ffs.)

    He is not your friend, no more than Bill Clinton or Bush was, in fact less so.
    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  12. #6687
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    There is no evidence of any fraud in this election Lyle. None at all. A youtube video and some links from months ago don't mean anything.
    If you say so. There IS evidence of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court changing voting laws just by announcing the changes and not having the State Legislature vote on them which is not only against the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania but also impacts other states due to those votes impacting the President (and more importantly Vice President), Senators, and Representatives vying for office.

    So it's not ONLY about the fraud which occurred and yes, there was indeed fraud which occurred and you might get an idea of HOW that fraud occurred if you watched some of these videos. Counting ballots without return addresses? Is it fraud? Well it certainly fucking LOOKS like fraud. Being able to adjudicate and change votes from a computer, is THAT fraud? It certainly fucking looks like it, but nah, stick your fingers in your ears and play dumb about it....we'll see what happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Some interesting points of view on the attempted Trump autogolpe:
    Oh Ben Sasse said something? Let me search.....nah, nah I don't seem to care. May as well bring up Romney, Flake, Kasich, etc keep the Never Trump RINOs coming I won't give single fuck what any of them have to say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    It turns out the fucker in Texas who filed the case that's making all the news is facing 99 years in prison and is desperate for a pardon. Seven senior attorneys in his office made statements to the FBI accusing him of various forms of corruption in addition to the charges he's already facing so of course Texas being Texas they've all been fired and he's still in a job and desperate for a pardon so he filed this bullshit case. And the AGs of nineteen GOP states have piled on because they see it as a way of making a name for themselves with voters for their eventual runs for higher office. Absolutely shameful. The GOP is devolving into a fascist party in real time.
    People like you have thrown the word "fascist" around so much it's fucking meaningless.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    We'll see if a case is heard by the SCOTUS it's really just that simple and why you're irritated by the mere thought of that happening is even if I agreed 110% with your point of view we'd still be waiting and seeing if the SCOTUS hears the case and neither YOU nor I could change that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Another bullshit lawsuit that doesn't even allege fraud bites the dust. Have a read what the judges have to say:
    I care? There are several cases pending all it takes is 1 Kirk...Trump could go 0-1,000,000 and if on the 1,000,001st case he wins then the previous million cases don't mean do understand that right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    And this is the (currently anyway) nonfascist part of the GOP doing what they do:

    CNN's John Harwood talking about a New York Times article which (GASP) paints Republicans & Conservatives in a poor light....why will wonders never cease?!?!

    Tell me about Rev. Warnock.....I'll take anything other than "He's black".....go on, tell me about the man without looking him up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Just beautiful. They're not yet willing to get on board with scrapping democracy and just taking power but they're happy to pander to white racism/nationalism to win elections.
    Remember if you don't vote Biden then "You ain't black" vs Trump and Criminal Justice Reform, vs Trump and The First Step Act, vs Trump and investing in HBCU's, vs Trump and Opportunity Zones.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Live reporting from yet another bullshit lawsuit:

    Trump currently 1-55 in court.
    Doesn't take but 1 win Kirk

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    If you want an idea of how the country's legal profession feel about the current situation this is worth a scroll every day:
    Opinions vary in the legal field, but I suppose ol' Ken will figure that out eventually.

    Say is Gen. Flynn in prison yet? I know it looks awfully odd for Judge Sullivan to NOT drop the case when the DOJ dropped the case and he even kept at it when Trump pardoned the General....makes me wonder if we'll ever hear about something sketchy with Judge Sullivan.

    So ONLY Paul Manafort is in jail and for things done well before ever getting with Trump.

    You promised me promised me Russian collusion where is it?

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    "Still Waiting for the Kraken . . ."

    When known right-wing publications throw in the towel and start poking fun at the "Weapons of Mass...." er..... I mean... "Massive Voter Fraud" fraud..... Trumpeteers have to know they're fucked.

  14. #6689
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    It's utterly mind-boggling how poorly people understand constitutional law, but with the total mainstream media blackout, I guess it makes sense.

    Stop saying that as though making stuff up makes it true. It is a sad thing to claim when there are victims of actual censorship in prisons around the world. El Kabong used to say the same thing and it is nothing but a lie. There are loads of YouTube videos about Voter Fraud and webpages regurgitating the Deep State bullshit that Trump is poisoning you with, The internet is awash with that sewage.

    How daft to pretend that a pampered spoilt fat white guy who has had everything handed to him on a plate for his entire life is now supposedly a victim, despite grifting millions from working men and woman across the country and ending up as President. You can not hope to not be tainted by that attitude when you defend it.

    Someone should kick the bastard square in the bollocks. He has the blood of so many on his hands and yet here you and El Kabong are pretending that he is some great humanitarian. You can't have it both ways. One minute he has no power and it is the deep state and somebody else's fault when he gets into bed with The Saudis ( the actual people that attacked your country) and backs the bombing of children, uses more drones than Obama, and turns his back on the brave women that fought ISIS, and then all of a sudden you want everyone to congratulate him for bringing about peace in the Middle East. (There have been Jews in Morocco for centuries ffs.)

    He is not your friend, no more than Bill Clinton or Bush was, in fact less so.
    Naturally you'll backup YouTube for censoring. I mean after all it's not YOUR speech they censor, not YOUR beliefs they censor, not YOUR views they memoryhole. Not yet at least.

    COVID was SUPPOSED to decimate America killing multiple millions far it's killed SUPPOSEDLY hundreds of thousands. The overwhelming majority of those unfortunate souls were geriatrics in nursing homes that DEMOCRAT Governors (Cuomo NY, Wolf PA, Murphy NJ) sent sick people to. So you tell me what Donald Trump was to do about that besides what he did which was produce ventilators, provide separate hospitals (which Gov. Cuomo didn't use), and fast track vaccines....there's no telling you Trump actually handled it fairly well. There's no telling you that. There's no telling you Trump did ANYTHING good or positive. There's no telling you anything, there's no asking you hypotheticals, there's no attempting to reason, there's no open mindedness in you or around you.

    Is any Arab nation, any Muslim nation making peace with and normalizing relations with Israel a bad thing? If so, why? So it's 4 nations in 4 months he's gotten Israel to normalize relations with and also he's brokered peace between Kosovo & Serbia to the extent they want to name a lake after him. Yeah what a fucking warmonger right Beanz? I thought you were "peace loving"? I that still your bag? "Peace loving"? Doesn't seem "peace loving" to poo-poo such accomplishments, but hey you're the "peace loving" one

    Who is YOUR friend Beanz? Bernie? Biden? Corbyn? Oh that's right, you simply forget whom you voted for. Such a convenience to not allow yourself to be tied to this candidate or that candidate or this party or that party, you're just an army of one aren't you? Except when you can use a status, a this or a that in order to claim victimhood, in order to attempt to draw sympathy as an aggrieved party..."but muh family"......yes, the millions upon millions of members of your family all in dire need of a Centralized European Government, all in great danger if President Trump is reelected, all quite opposed to any peace regarding Israel (at least if Trump's involved in it).

    I look forward to a flat calm & peace loving response

  15. #6690
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    It's utterly mind-boggling how poorly people understand constitutional law, but with the total mainstream media blackout, I guess it makes sense.

    Stop saying that as though making stuff up makes it true. It is a sad thing to claim when there are victims of actual censorship in prisons around the world. El Kabong used to say the same thing and it is nothing but a lie. There are loads of YouTube videos about Voter Fraud and webpages regurgitating the Deep State bullshit that Trump is poisoning you with, The internet is awash with that sewage.

    How daft to pretend that a pampered spoilt fat white guy who has had everything handed to him on a plate for his entire life is now supposedly a victim, despite grifting millions from working men and woman across the country and ending up as President. You can not hope to not be tainted by that attitude when you defend it.

    Someone should kick the bastard square in the bollocks. He has the blood of so many on his hands and yet here you and El Kabong are pretending that he is some great humanitarian. You can't have it both ways. One minute he has no power and it is the deep state and somebody else's fault when he gets into bed with The Saudis ( the actual people that attacked your country) and backs the bombing of children, uses more drones than Obama, and turns his back on the brave women that fought ISIS, and then all of a sudden you want everyone to congratulate him for bringing about peace in the Middle East. (There have been Jews in Morocco for centuries ffs.)

    He is not your friend, no more than Bill Clinton or Bush was, in fact less so.
    Naturally you'll backup YouTube for censoring. I mean after all it's not YOUR speech they censor, not YOUR beliefs they censor, not YOUR views they memoryhole. Not yet at least.

    COVID was SUPPOSED to decimate America killing multiple millions far it's killed SUPPOSEDLY hundreds of thousands. The overwhelming majority of those unfortunate souls were geriatrics in nursing homes that DEMOCRAT Governors (Cuomo NY, Wolf PA, Murphy NJ) sent sick people to. So you tell me what Donald Trump was to do about that besides what he did which was produce ventilators, provide separate hospitals (which Gov. Cuomo didn't use), and fast track vaccines....there's no telling you Trump actually handled it fairly well. There's no telling you that. There's no telling you Trump did ANYTHING good or positive. There's no telling you anything, there's no asking you hypotheticals, there's no attempting to reason, there's no open mindedness in you or around you.

    Is any Arab nation, any Muslim nation making peace with and normalizing relations with Israel a bad thing? If so, why? So it's 4 nations in 4 months he's gotten Israel to normalize relations with and also he's brokered peace between Kosovo & Serbia to the extent they want to name a lake after him. Yeah what a fucking warmonger right Beanz? I thought you were "peace loving"? I that still your bag? "Peace loving"? Doesn't seem "peace loving" to poo-poo such accomplishments, but hey you're the "peace loving" one

    Who is YOUR friend Beanz? Bernie? Biden? Corbyn? Oh that's right, you simply forget whom you voted for. Such a convenience to not allow yourself to be tied to this candidate or that candidate or this party or that party, you're just an army of one aren't you? Except when you can use a status, a this or a that in order to claim victimhood, in order to attempt to draw sympathy as an aggrieved party..."but muh family"......yes, the millions upon millions of members of your family all in dire need of a Centralized European Government, all in great danger if President Trump is reelected, all quite opposed to any peace regarding Israel (at least if Trump's involved in it).

    I look forward to a flat calm & peace loving response

    Stop putting words in my mouth.

    Start being honest.

    Just ONCE in your entire history of posting here in this thread, tell the truth, be honest and show some decency.

    Slimtrae gave you an entire wine cellar of verifiable facts and evidence, and you throw down a half bottle of piss and expect people to take you seriously?

    Look at your first sentence in response.

    "Naturally you'll backup YouTube for censoring"

    That is just you giving up on being an adult.

    The censorship you are pretending is persecuting you does not exist. Your childish conspiracy garbage is everywhere. Nowhere am i suggesting anything should be censored.

    What have you done to fight for those who are the victims of censorship?

    Nothing. Zero. Diddly Squat.

    If anything you have been the one for years here calling for anything you don't agree with to be censored.

    Insisting people be banned.

    Demanding that anything you declare as commie or pinko should be forbidden and now all of a sudden you are the victim of a capitalist company exorcising their rights?
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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