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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #8206
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    A Patriot and His Duty
    The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the highest-ranking military position in the United States, designated by law as the principal military adviser to the president, the secretary of defense, and the National Security Council. It is a post of vital national importance, but most Americans probably have no idea who serves in it at any given time.

    And yet, for almost two years, the safety of the United States and the sanctity of its Constitution may well have depended more than any American could have known on Mark Milley, a career Army officer who became the 20th chairman in late 2019. Milley’s experiences in the waning days of the Trump administration should appall and alarm every sensible American.

    Milley served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs during the most fraught period of civil-military dysfunction in U.S. history. As The Atlantic’seditor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, writes in our next cover story, Milley faced an unprecedented situation in which the president—a man, Jeff notes, horrendously addled by “cognitive unfitness and moral derangement”—was himself the greatest threat to the Constitution.

    If that sounds dramatic, consider what Milley’s senior colleagues—career military men who served in the Trump White House—told Jeff about the nightmare facing the chairman. “Mark Milley had to contain the impulses of people who wanted to use the United States military in very dangerous ways,” according to retired Marine General John Kelly, who served as Trump’s second chief of staff. (Milley, for his part, was worried that Trump would try to overcome his electoral loss by creating a “Reichstag moment,” perhaps by sparking a foreign war or by using the military against civilians.)

    Army Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster, who served as one of Trump’s many hired-and-fired national security advisers, commented on the immensity of the challenge facing Milley by posing a terrifying hypothetical to Jeff: “As chairman, you swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, but what if the commander in chief is undermining the Constitution?” (We might add to this an even more unsettling question: What if millions of Americans don’t seem to care?)

    Even those who may think they’ve fully grasped Trump’s depravity will be shocked by some of the events that Jeff reports.

    For example, at the ceremony welcoming him as the new chairman, Milley invited Captain Luis Avila to sing “God Bless America.” Avila had completed five combat tours, lost a leg in an IED attack in Afghanistan, and suffered two heart attacks, two strokes, and brain damage as a result of his injuries. Jeff writes:
    After Avila’s performance, Trump walked over to congratulate him, but then said to Milley, within earshot of several witnesses, “Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded.”

    Never let Avila appear in public again, Trump told Milley.

    “Milley’s family,” Jeff continues,“venerated the military, and Trump’s attitude toward the uniformed services seemed superficial, callous, and, at the deepest human level, repugnant.”

    But Trump did respect some military personnel, especially Eddie Gallagher, the Navy SEAL who was court-martialed on multiple charges and whose own comrades testified to his bloodthirsty and reckless behavior. (Gallagher was acquitted of all charges except for posing with a slain enemy’s corpse.) Trump intervened in the question of whether Gallagher, despite his acquittals, should keep his SEAL pin—a decision traditionally made by fellow SEALs.
    Milley tried to stop Trump from interfering with this important tradition. Trump, according to Jeff, “called Gallagher a hero and said he didn’t understand why he was being punished.”
    “Because he slit the throat of a wounded prisoner,” Milley said.
    “The guy was going to die anyway,” Trump said.
    It’s a war crime, Milley protested, to no avail. Trump refused to see what the “big deal” was all about. “You guys”—and here he meant combat soldiers—“are all just killers. What’s the difference?”
    Gallagher got to keep his pin.

    If Trump’s ideal military is one in which Eddie Gallagher is celebrated as a hero and Luis Avila is warehoused out of sight, what does that suggest about who might lead the military if Trump returns to office? Who would have the fortitude to turn back the unlawful orders of a vicious and cowardly commander in chief to kill prisoners, to act as a praetorian guard around the White House, or even to use nuclear arms?
    When Trump lost the election, and especially after the January 6 insurrection, Milley was apparently growing concerned about Trump’s emotional stability. The chairman called all of America’s top nuclear officers to a meeting, in which he said, “If anything weird or crazy happens, just make sure we all know.” He then asked each officer to affirm that he understood the proper procedures for the release of nuclear weapons. He also called his Chinese counterpart to assure him that America was not in the kind of chaos that could lead to war.

    Milley’s critics raged that the chairman was undermining the president’s authority, and, as Jeff notes, they wanted to see the general in leg-irons—or worse. These charges were partisan nonsense. What should be more concerning to every citizen of the United States is that Mark Milley, and many others around him, felt it was important to reassure the Chinese, and to keep the lines of communication around America’s nuclear command structure clear and open. In normal times, no one would think to do such things, but, as Jeff notes, Milley’s months serving under Trump “were not normal, because Trump was exceptionally unfit to serve.”

    Reading Jeff’s article, I kept thinking of the 1965 novel Night of Camp David,by Fletcher Knebel (who also co-wrote Seven Days in May, about a military coup in the United States). It’s not a great book, but the premise is scary enough: A young American senator, after a long evening alone with the president at his famous retreat, realizes that the commander in chief has descended into madness and is brewing grandiose plans for conquest that will ignite World War III. In the light of day, the president seems like a reasonable man, so no one but the senator knows that he’s gone completely bonkers.

    Milley faced the opposite and more difficult problem: Everyone knew Trump was unhinged. It wasn’t even remotely a secret. General James Mattis even told friends and colleagues that Trump was “more dangerous than anyone could imagine.” But again, nobody had to imagine it; anyone who was ever in the same room as Trump knew it. And yet, few acted to stop him. (Mike Pence’s one day of courage on January 6 is an honorable and important exception.) Many others did not do their duty—including the Republican members of the United States Congress, whose lives Trump endangered.

    Milley, unlike so many in Washington, continued to honor his oath to the Constitution. The next time, we will not be so lucky. The next time, Trump will not make the same mistake twice: He will ensure that no one like Mark Milley will be in the National Security Council, or at the Pentagon— or guarding America’s nuclear forces at Strategic Command. The next time, when Trump’s narcissism and cruelty tell him that he must exact revenge on the country, perhaps even on the world, no one will be there to stop him.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    If this is the case, the U.S. is going to DESERVE what it gets.

    ~ "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice..."
    America can't get any worse than what it got since Joe Biden took office.

    And I'm still waiting for somebody to tell me who is going to come anywhere NEAR Donald Trump in the polls.

    Edit: the following photo in the next post gives you all the choices pretty much.

    You think poll results make Trump a good candidate?

    All it tells me is that people have lost the plot in general.

    I'll stick by my previous post. The U.S. is going to get what it deserves.

    Like I also said... none of Biden's shortcomings make Trump a good candidate.

    IMHO, a 2nd Trump presidency will sink the U.S. to levels people haven't even imagined yet.

    I predict full rioting in the streets, and something pretty close to anarchy.

    In response, Trump will rig all future elections to where only HE can be elected, if elections are held at all.

    The only thing that will save the nation is Trump getting too old and having to step aside.

    But the damage has already been done. All future GOP candidates are going to be Trump clones, because spineless politicians know that's what this clueless generation of voters wants.

    So Trump rigging future elections is feasible and normal but saying that Biden rigged an election is a wild conspiracy theory? Please tell me you do see the double standard there and the self contradiction.

    The only rioting in the streets will be after he wins -- if he does win and it looks like he will win -- by democrats and others who refused to accept that he actually won. They will give the wild conspiracy theory that Vladimir Putin got Trump to win. And that will be fine to say that and when they challenged the results of the election that will not be considered undemocratic, right? And when they burn down buildings that will not be considered violence and when they burn down police stations or government buildings that will not be considered an -- wait for it --- "insurrection". Right? LMFAO

    The opposite is actually true on the other point --- because if we don't put Trump back in there and Biden continues or Harris for example then America will be in much worse shape.

    Nobody said poll numbers make somebody a "good" or "bad" candidate but I see what you did there. It's called a red herring and you are enough of an engineer to understand how that works. 😘

    Unless the kangaroo courts prosecute Trump on bogus felonious charges, to get back to the point and to remove all the red herrings which come like a tsunami, then I'm still waiting for somebody to tell me who is going to come anywhere near Trump.

    I don't think I will ever get an answer to that and it's perfectly understandable heh heh, but a lot of fish, SCHOOLS of fish, mostly herrings with a Scarlet hue or ironically with an orange hue like orange man, will surely be swimming by.
    Last edited by NoSavingByTheBell; 09-26-2023 at 10:50 AM.

  3. #8208
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    So Trump rigging future elections is feasible and normal but saying that Biden rigged an election is a wild conspiracy theory? Please tell me you do see the double standard there and the self contradiction.
    No double standard. No self-contradiction. They're two entirely different men. The fact that Biden is too old to be President and has made some ill-advised decisions as President DOES NOT MEAN he's as egocentric... (scratch that)... egomaniacal, divisive, "yes-men" seeking, and just plain capable of claiming a stolen election and inciting the Capitol riot... as Trump.

    Do I need to go into the number of Trump/GOP lawsuits that were laughed out of court regarding the bogus stolen election claims?? Do you really put it past Trump to make sure the system is REALLY rigged once he gets back in the White House??

    Let's be up front here, shall we? I've always been consistent about my "meh" feelings about Biden, but... which are totally overshadowed by my hatred of Trump. You, on the other hand, have always claimed to prefer others (Jo "cough" Jorgensen) to Trump... yet consistently carry the torch for Trump in a way that would make even "Hair Dye Rudy" envious.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    The only rioting in the streets will be after he wins -- if he does win and it looks like he will win -- by democrats and others who refused to accept that he actually won. They will give the wild conspiracy theory that Vladimir Putin got Trump to win. And that will be fine to say that and when they challenged the results of the election that will not be considered undemocratic, right? And when they burn down buildings that will not be considered violence and when they burn down police stations or government buildings that will not be considered an -- wait for it --- "insurrection". Right? LMFAO
    Tell me, Brock. Are you ok with Trump's efforts to coerce different state election officials into "find me more votes"?? An area where IMHO a presidential candidate shouldn't even THINK about entering? WTF am I asking... of course you are. Just like you're ok with the fact that Trump and his cohorts worked his MAGA base into a lather over the election results, and practically egged them on to invade the Capitol. Just like you're ok with the fact that Trump became the ONLY SITTING PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATION to refuse to go through the handshake/ transition period that ALL losing Presidents go through.

    If there's rioting, it's because Trump finished off what probably had already started in the U.S. (I never say America, because that's technically not correct). The dumbing down of the general population, to where it's now a permanent "Us Against Them." It's name-calling and insult-hurling instead of policy arguments. It's more about personalities ("You're fired!!") than about low-key, behind-the-scenes working for the people of the United States. If there's rioting, it's because the low-life masses of people that had been in hiding since before the Trump administration have been liberated and empowered by the biggest low-life of them all... Donald Joker Trump.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    The opposite is actually true on the other point --- because if we don't put Trump back in there and Biden continues or Harris for example then America will be in much worse shape.
    Believe me... I'm not exactly jumping up and down for joy at the prospect of another 4 years of Biden. I hate his LGBTQXYZ stance... and I think he has totally messed up on the subject of border control. Not that Trump did much better, with his damn medieval wall... but Biden has lost the plot with border control.

    Harris we need not discuss. I'd probably move to another country if she became President.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Nobody said poll numbers make somebody a "good" or "bad" candidate but I see what you did there. It's called a red herring and you are enough of an engineer to understand how that works. 😘
    I know you were dying to use one of those favorite forum buzzwords (red herring)... but technically you're right. You didn't say that.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Unless the kangaroo courts prosecute Trump on bogus felonious charges, to get back to the point and to remove all the red herrings which come like a tsunami, then I'm still waiting for somebody to tell me who is going to come anywhere near Trump.
    Convincing braindead morons that the election was stolen, and they had to forcefully get it back... thus inciting the worse and ONLY rioting in the U.S. Capitol... is HARDLY a bogus charge. For that alone he should be immediately thrown in jail... and it has taken WAY TOO LONG for the clumsy U.S. Justice System to get that done.

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    Former Trump Defense Secretary Insists ‘It’s a Legitimate Fear’ Trump Will Throw Enemies in Jail if Reelected

    If you’ll recall from my memoir that you mentioned at the top, I cite a circumstance where the president, egged on by his close advisers, wanted to call back to active duty Admiral McRaven and General McChrystal to court martial them for some things that they allegedly said in the public domain, and Milley and I had to talk the president out of doing that for many number of reasons. So is it possible that a new loyalist sitting around Trump in the Oval Office will say, ‘Let’s call up Milley’? Yeah, it’s quite likely.
    Now the good news is that there’s a silver lining in all this, is Trump’s kind of poisoned the well. I don’t know that a jury or anybody would find that he could be, given what we would call command influence, that such a thing could happen. But nonetheless, I think it’s a legitimate fear. The president has also said that a second term would be about retribution, right? So, I think these are all legitimate concerns.

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    I think everyone should let that word sink in for just a minute.

    Anybody with half a brain knows that Trump and his vindictive nature (and "yes-men" loving nature) will go after his detractors with blood in his eye. I would not be surprised to see the nation turn into a police state under a 2nd Trump term. Enemies... real and imagined... will be persecuted, censored, smeared, cancelled, and just about any other vindictive action to satisfy Trump's damaged ego.

    Funny that Trump refers to some countries as "shithole countries" and "banana republics." A 2nd Trump term will be like the pot calling the kettle black. Trump will use his powers to:

    • Remain in power as long as he likes.
    • Persecute the living shit out of his real (or imagined) enemies.
    • Shoot down any previous Democratic initiative, whether it's good for the nation or not.
    • Force election system "reforms" that will tilt the balance to his interests.
    • Continue to surround himself with useless "yes-men", who will be scared shitless to have any individual thoughts that might contradict Herr Trump's.
    • Force through his policies (including the fucked up ones) with a ramrod... steamrollering anyone who gets in the way.
    • Censor all media that doesn't kiss his ass.
    • Continue to serve his own personal interests and those of his family no matter how inappropriate it looks to the public.
    • Continue stoking the fires of HATRED among the American people, a condition he revels in like a pig in a mudhole.
    • Personally push the USA below the level of at least half a dozen countries in the global scale.
    • Throw decent people in jail (those who don't agree with him or pose a threat to his dictator-like leadership.
    • Pardon kiss-ass criminals, who have groveled at Trump's feet and done his bidding, even at the cost of breaking the law or not serving the American people.

    USA's enemies abroad are licking their chops at the prospect of Donald Jackass Trump getting elected once again. Xi Jinping is going to have his way with Trump, while making it seem like he's not... all to soothe Trump's fragile and gigantic ego, while behind the scenes he'll be continuing his quest to make China the most powerful nation in the world by far.

    Using boxing parlance... Trump and his childlike ego is tailormade for a savvy political veteran like Xi Jinping.
    Last edited by TitoFan; 09-27-2023 at 03:00 AM.

  6. #8211
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Donald Trump is no longer in business.
    Worse, the self-proclaimed multibillionaire may soon be personally bankrupt as a result, stripped of just about everything because for years he engaged in calculated bank fraud and insurance fraud by inflating the value of his properties, a judge ruled Tuesday.
    His gaudy Trump Tower apartment, his golf courses, his Boeing 757 jet and even Mar-a-Lago could all be disposed of by a court-appointed monitor, leaving Trump with not much more than his pensions as a one term president and a television performer.
    A New York State judge on Tuesday cancelled all of the business licenses for the Trump Organization and its 500 or so subsidiary companies and partnerships after finding that Trump used them to, along with his older two sons, commit fraud.
    Under the New York General Business Law you can only do business in your own name as a sole proprietor or with a business license, which the state calls a “business certificate.” All of Trump’s businesses were corporations or partnerships that require business certificates.


    A non-jury trial before Judge Engoron next week will determine how much Trump will be fined for his years of bank fraud and insurance fraud.
    Barring a highly unlikely reversal by an appeals court, Trump’s business assets eventually will be liquidated since he cannot operate them without a business license. Retired Judge Barbara Jones was appointed to monitor the assets, an arrangement not unlike the court-supervised liquidation of a bankrupt company or the assets of a drug lord.
    Creditors, any fines due the state because of the fraud, and taxes will be paid first from sales of Trump properties.
    The various properties are likely to be sold at fire sale prices and certainly not for top dollar when liquidation begins, probably after all appeals are exhausted.
    Among these properties is the portion of Trump Tower that Trump still owns and leases to businesses as office and retail space; his own triplex apartment there; his golf courses; and Mar-a-Lago, the Florida mansion he bought in a corrupt mortgage deal decades ago. He also has deals to license his name on buildings and businesses, which similarly he can no longer operate and whose profits he must give up.
    The fact that Trump assigned values two, four, ten times and more above their actual values indicates that once all of the priority bills are paid there will be little to nothing left for Trump.
    Trump, for example, has claimed that his Westchester County mansion north of Manhattan was worth close to $300 million, ten times the highest valuation by appraisers and bankers. Even those valuations may be inflated because of restrictions on developing the 30-acre property with more mansions.

    The author is a Pulitzer prize winning journalist who worked for the New York Times and wrote a bunch of famous articles about various issues to do with tax and fraud so he knows what he's talking about. Lots of similar coverage elsewhere but this is the most cogent thing I saaw.

    New York courts have now determined that Trump and/or his companies have committed: -bank fraud-insurance fraud-tax fraud-charities fraudAnd Trump personally -sexual assault

    In 2018, Donald Trump thought he was having a private phone call with Sen. Bob Menendez.It was actually a prank call by comedian @stutteringjohnm
    .During the call, Trump congratulated Menendez on beating his then-corruption charges.Trump told him, "We're proud of you. Congratulations. Great job. You went through a tough, tough situation. I don't think a very fair situation."

    Looks like Mexico is the top candidate for Trump's first war:

    Trump has said similar stuff along with Ron. One thing I can guarantee is that all these antiwar MAGA supporters complaining about the uniparty always fighting unnecessary wars will be instantly frothing at the mouth for war the minute their leader decides to bomb somebody and will be demanding he nukes whoever it is straight away. Another easy prediction. Going to war with your biggest trading partner has the chance to backfire somewhat. Twenty or thirty percent inflation would be one of the minor consequences.

    These people are just utter scum. This is a United States Senator in 2023. Fucking shameful:

    And last but not least how about this? A journalist practicing journalism!

    The current story is Biden is being impeached, Republicans say this and Democrats say this. The actual story that the media should be telling is that Biden is being impeached on claims which were debunked during Trump's first impeachment trial, exhaustively investigated by Trump's DOJ for eight months afterwards in an effort to placate Trump and found to be bullshit. Now the GOP is recycling all this shit again and impeaching Biden on no evidence at all. The GOP should be being asked every day what are you playing at you clowns. Look what bothsidesing it does:


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    I'm sorry... but this is just fucking funny!!

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    This is how fascism comes to America

    From seven years ago. It stands up pretty well.

    I was aying last week about how the Democrats and the GOP used to have exactly the same position on southern border immigration and it was the post 2012 Democratic move to the left that allowed Trump a big issue to campaign on:

    He's a grandstanding tit, not in the DeSantis league however still annoying, but he's effective. Maybe he could swap jobs with Kamala.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Exclusive: John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

    John Kelly, the longest-serving White House chief of staff for Donald Trump, offered his harshest criticism yet of the former president in an exclusive statement to CNN.
    Kelly set the record straight with on-the-record confirmation of a number of damning stories about statements Trump made behind closed doors attacking US service members and veterans, listing a number of objectionable comments Kelly witnessed Trump make firsthand.
    “What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

    “A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.
    “There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”
    In the statement, Kelly is confirming, on the record, a number of details in a 2020 story in The Atlantic by editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, including Trump turning to Kelly on Memorial Day 2017, as they stood among those killed in Afghanistan and Iraq in Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery, and saying, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” ......

    This is the biggest possible gift wrapped opportunity for the red tie wearing competition to hammer Trump with. I think Christie will bring it up but that's about it.

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    Lovely seeing the Orange one in court again crying about being persecuted. Inflating his wealth to secure loans, hope he gets nailed.
    Last edited by Master; 10-03-2023 at 12:30 PM.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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    There's a sobering thought in all of this.

    As hard as the courts and the system are coming down on Trump (and deservedly so)... I cringe at what will happen if Trump somehow gets elected again.

    Vengeance and vindictiveness just don't cover the unmitigated WRATH that Trump will rain down on his enemies, both real and imagined.

    The United States of America will be ripped to shreds.

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    Trump EASILY wins in November 24. Not a soul in sight who can come anywhere NEAR the guy. 💪

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Republican party and actual principled conservative policy being ripped to pieces right now on the floor. By a handful of unhinged mental midgets with zero viable policy proposals, avenues and backing to achieve shat, strictly grounded in erratic chaos and dramatic tirades and getting the most airtime. Congrats maga fukwits you're ensuring future state and National losses. Just toss them on the pile with the ones already handed over the last number of years.

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