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Thread: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

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    Default Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

    Wow that is a great link thanks for pointing it out.
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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

    One side wants to ban, the other side wants to label, what a shame there isn't a media for those who are neither left, nor right; rather balanced.

    More interesting is that David Brock (MEDIA MATTERS) got his start as a Conservative commentator when he wrote "Combating Those Campus Marxists." Appeared on The 700 Club,
    Defended Clarence Thomas over Anita Hill, to which he later stated...he turned a personal saga into a ideological moment; claiming Hill was backed by liberals to take down a black justice...he was believed by the right.
    Authored much of the pieces that was dubbed Trooper-gate: troopers taking ho's to late night visits to see Slick Willie.

    He was a big part of the early radio broadcasts of Jeff Christie.... who would become Rush Limbaugh. And as hard as one may try...the internet has virtually scrubbed all existences of Brock doing what he did to liberals, what he is now doing to conservatives; lie.

    How could he had been telling the truth as a conservative, but not as a liberal...Liar now, seams he was a liar then as always.

    I agree with Carlson that the media police is killing free speech; just difficult hearing it coming from an agency that sided with well over 200 Sinclair t.v. stations nationwide & over 500 radio stations across am radio (clear channel) that promotes their agenda, solely.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Wow that is a great link thanks for pointing it out.
    Did you know it is against the law in Israel to preach Christianity?

    And yet the silly American evangelicals support the beast.

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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Wow that is a great link thanks for pointing it out.
    Did you know it is against the law in Israel to preach Christianity?

    And yet the silly American evangelicals support the beast.
    Oh that is strange you omitted the new link I made for your invented garbage. (:

    It would be great if you were really interested in sharing an agendaless truth with us all, rather then just advocating the flip side of a very dirty car wash token masquerading as a coin.

    But you are not.

    Holding up a Murdoch controlled Fox as some kind of paragon of impartiality is not just deluded, it is laughable.

    Why do you keep asking me about Israel? I am no Zionist but your claims are just made up.

    'Proselytizing is legal in the country, and missionaries of all religious groups are allowed to proselytize all citizens. A 1977 law prohibits any person from offering material benefits as an inducement to conversion. It is also illegal to convert persons under 18 years of age unless one parent is an adherent of the religious group seeking to convert the minor. '

    There. Now you have me defending Israel and you can go back to believing the star of David is the mark of the Devil and that somehow the same Jews are responsible for what you called the Islamifacation of Britain.(:

    Crazy stuff.
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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Crazy stuff.
    Your people fomented the Algerian revolution in the late 1950s and early 1960s (Muslims against French) and then the Muslims kicked all of you all out of the country! By supporting the Islamification of Britain, you are setting up your own demise.

    Evangelical Christians are the biggest supporters of Israel, and yet you supported the Bosnian and Kosovo Muslims against Christian Serbs.

    You hate Tommy Robinson, Tucker Carlson, walrus, Gandalf, Trump, myself. Anybody with half a brain can see what your agenda is. Your burning hatred of white Christians is like a mental illness.

    Crazy stuff.

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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Crazy stuff.
    Your people fomented the Algerian revolution in the late 1950s and early 1960s (Muslims against French) and then the Muslims kicked all of you all out of the country! By supporting the Islamification of Britain, you are setting up your own demise.

    Evangelical Christians are the biggest supporters of Israel, and yet you supported the Bosnian and Kosovo Muslims against Christian Serbs.

    You hate Tommy Robinson, Tucker Carlson, walrus, Gandalf, Trump, myself. Anybody with half a brain can see what your agenda is. Your burning hatred of white Christians is like a mental illness.

    Crazy stuff.
    Try and hold for one second the thought that you may inventing a false narrative in order to justify your own very unchristian hatred. I don't hate you or Christians or anything of the sort. I pity anyone that could harbour so much bitterness toward a stranger on the internet. Stop building your part love x
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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I pity anyone that could harbour so much bitterness toward a stranger on the internet.
    No one harbours so much bitterness toward strangers on the internet (walrus, Gandalf, myself, etc) as you do.

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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I pity anyone that could harbour so much bitterness toward a stranger on the internet.
    No one harbours so much bitterness toward strangers on the internet (walrus, Gandalf, myself, etc) as you do.
    Why do you keep on saying "your people" to Beanz? The only one with hate here is you.

    Very disturbing.
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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

    Tucker Carlson spends sooo much time whining about other people and acting like a victim. Crazy stuff.

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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Tucker Carlson spends sooo much time whining about other people and acting like a victim. Crazy stuff.

    Now HERE'S a whiny "victim" (who wasn't really a victim):

    Crazy stuff.

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    Default Re: Tucker Carlson telling the truth about SPLC and Media Matters

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