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Thread: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

  1. #31
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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    Top Boy - watched it over the past couple of weeks, liked it because of where it was set (London shithole council estates), however, found it hard to have sympathy with the characters, especially season 3. I hated everyone apart from Sully (and the genuine innocent). And I don't want to make a political point but it's not a coincidence that season 3, after a decade gap in this current climate, portrays all the black single mothers as angels, the drug dealer loving dads/guardians as "hustling a living" whilst white people are to blame for everything and untrustworthy devils (even the poor skagheads were wronguns). And all whites outside London are racist as hell. Good stuff though.
    Last edited by Fenster; 11-14-2019 at 02:32 PM.

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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Top Boy - watched it over the past couple of weeks, liked it because of where it was set (London shithole council estates), however, found it hard to have sympathy with the characters, especially season 3. I hated everyone apart from Sully (and the genuine innocent). And I don't want to make a political point but it's not a coincidence that season 3, after a decade gap in this current climate, portrays all the black single mothers as angels, the drug dealer loving dads/guardians as "hustling a living" whilst white people are to blame for everything and untrustworthy devils (even the poor skagheads were wronguns). And all whites outside London are racist as hell. Good stuff though.

    A lot of whites outside London are racist as hell. I know I live amongst them (:

    No Asian racists though. Not just in Britain. Nowhere in the world are there any racists Asians. I have it on good authority from ...................

    A non-racist white man man
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  3. #33
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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Top Boy - watched it over the past couple of weeks, liked it because of where it was set (London shithole council estates), however, found it hard to have sympathy with the characters, especially season 3. I hated everyone apart from Sully (and the genuine innocent). And I don't want to make a political point but it's not a coincidence that season 3, after a decade gap in this current climate, portrays all the black single mothers as angels, the drug dealer loving dads/guardians as "hustling a living" whilst white people are to blame for everything and untrustworthy devils (even the poor skagheads were wronguns). And all whites outside London are racist as hell. Good stuff though.

    A lot of whites outside London are racist as hell. I know I live amongst them (:

    No Asian racists though. Not just in Britain. Nowhere in the world are there any racists Asians. I have it on good authority from ...................

    A non-racist white man man
    I can assure you Asian people of all description (not just Bruce Lee) are the most racist towards black people i've ever come across. And yes there's lots of white racists in London too... they're called East Europeans... and geriatrics.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Top Boy - watched it over the past couple of weeks, liked it because of where it was set (London shithole council estates), however, found it hard to have sympathy with the characters, especially season 3. I hated everyone apart from Sully (and the genuine innocent). And I don't want to make a political point but it's not a coincidence that season 3, after a decade gap in this current climate, portrays all the black single mothers as angels, the drug dealer loving dads/guardians as "hustling a living" whilst white people are to blame for everything and untrustworthy devils (even the poor skagheads were wronguns). And all whites outside London are racist as hell. Good stuff though.

    A lot of whites outside London are racist as hell. I know I live amongst them (:

    No Asian racists though. Not just in Britain. Nowhere in the world are there any racists Asians. I have it on good authority from ...................

    A non-racist white man man
    I can assure you Asian people of all description (not just Bruce Lee) are the most racist towards black people i've ever come across. And yes there's lots of white racists in London too... they're called East Europeans... and geriatrics.

    No you are Wrong. When I told Gandalf that some of the most racist things I have ever heard, came out of the mouths of Asians, he assured me there were no Asian racists in the world and also assured me I did not know any Asians. So my Asian step-mother of almost 40 years is obviously just a figment of my imagination.

    ( She is not a racist by the way )
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  5. #35
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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    Chernobyl is absolutely fucking brilliant. Shame it's only seven or eight episodes long.

    I would highly recommend the first two plus series of Gomorra, a show about the Neapolitan mafia. Series three is actually OK too but series four starts to go downhill, very predictable painting by numbers stuff. I still have one or two episodes of it to watch and I'm not sure I will. Probably will at some point. The first series though are fantastic.

    I'm sure I've seen something else in between those shows but can't remember.

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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark TKO View Post
    Where do you download from ?

    Don’t have a laptop any more as just use iPad so can’t really do it.

    Hardly go to the cinema any more so a 5er not too bad.

    I want evidence you are making sandwiches for the homeless in which case I will say fair play to you
    Pirate Bay is still around, 1337x, or rarbg. Use a program called utorrent or qbittorrent to download. I think you should be able to do it on an IPad.

    I'm not sure what evidence I can provide, apart from my word and I'll attach a photo, I'm far from perfect, but buy 2 extra loaves of bread, extra salad, and a kg of ham each shopping day, to make and hand out around my area. I also offer free rides in my car, where and when I can. It's not much, but I'm trying to make a difference in my community.

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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    the mandalorian
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Top Boy - watched it over the past couple of weeks, liked it because of where it was set (London shithole council estates), however, found it hard to have sympathy with the characters, especially season 3. I hated everyone apart from Sully (and the genuine innocent). And I don't want to make a political point but it's not a coincidence that season 3, after a decade gap in this current climate, portrays all the black single mothers as angels, the drug dealer loving dads/guardians as "hustling a living" whilst white people are to blame for everything and untrustworthy devils (even the poor skagheads were wronguns). And all whites outside London are racist as hell. Good stuff though.

    A lot of whites outside London are racist as hell. I know I live amongst them (:

    No Asian racists though. Not just in Britain. Nowhere in the world are there any racists Asians. I have it on good authority from ...................

    A non-racist white man man
    I can assure you Asian people of all description (not just Bruce Lee) are the most racist towards black people i've ever come across. And yes there's lots of white racists in London too... they're called East Europeans... and geriatrics.

    No you are Wrong. When I told Gandalf that some of the most racist things I have ever heard, came out of the mouths of Asians, he assured me there were no Asian racists in the world and also assured me I did not know any Asians. So my Asian step-mother of almost 40 years is obviously just a figment of my imagination.

    ( She is not a racist by the way )
    Of course they are all racist. There are 4.4 billion Asians in the world everyone one of them is racist

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    Anyone seen Patriot Act with Hasan Minjah on Netflix?

    Any opinions?

    I watched two episodes and I can pretty much guess how different people would view these.

    It's kind of a light, comedic half hour (or so) take on different political and social issues.

  10. #40
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the mandalorian

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Anyone seen Patriot Act with Hasan Minjah on Netflix?

    Any opinions?

    I watched two episodes and I can pretty much guess how different people would view these.

    It's kind of a light, comedic half hour (or so) take on different political and social issues.
    And you'd be right I'm absolutely certain. I needn't even watch it, I know Hasan Minaj, I know his comedy and his politics.

    I mean good on you if you enjoy it, but it ain't for me.

    I'm set to watch all of Deadwood. I think I'll invest in some whiskey before that occurs though

  11. #41
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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Top Boy - watched it over the past couple of weeks, liked it because of where it was set (London shithole council estates), however, found it hard to have sympathy with the characters, especially season 3. I hated everyone apart from Sully (and the genuine innocent). And I don't want to make a political point but it's not a coincidence that season 3, after a decade gap in this current climate, portrays all the black single mothers as angels, the drug dealer loving dads/guardians as "hustling a living" whilst white people are to blame for everything and untrustworthy devils (even the poor skagheads were wronguns). And all whites outside London are racist as hell. Good stuff though.

    A lot of whites outside London are racist as hell. I know I live amongst them (:

    No Asian racists though. Not just in Britain. Nowhere in the world are there any racists Asians. I have it on good authority from ...................

    A non-racist white man man
    I can assure you Asian people of all description (not just Bruce Lee) are the most racist towards black people i've ever come across. And yes there's lots of white racists in London too... they're called East Europeans... and geriatrics.

    No you are Wrong. When I told Gandalf that some of the most racist things I have ever heard, came out of the mouths of Asians, he assured me there were no Asian racists in the world and also assured me I did not know any Asians. So my Asian step-mother of almost 40 years is obviously just a figment of my imagination.

    ( She is not a racist by the way )
    You seem to be hung up on this. I think there are no Asian racists? And no I do not consider your Asian step mother who lives where exactly an authority on billions of Asian people. Sorry about that.

    I come across a new crop of hundreds of Asians every year and in work and in society don't see much of this racism. However, as I pointed out, some countries are very different to others and you are dealing with a lot of Asians.

    It is true that most people of any race prefer to marry within their group though and that applies to any race, but most of the people I know are married to Asians despite not being Asian and the kids don't face many bullying issues or anything like that.

    In London perhaps there is a reason why different groups are suspicious of one another. For instance the prison population is 14% black despite being only 3% of the population. It creates distrust and different communities tend to stick to their own in a multicultural society. If a certain demographic is more likely to carry out crime etc, then it breeds suspicion.

    Edit: Blacks are 3% of the total population, so in London there are obviously a lot more black people and they make up a significant prison population at 14% of the national total. I am sure the genuine Asian prison population is much lower. Asians tend to have stronger families, better education etc, so if one group is not nurturing children and criminality is much higher then you can see why some among them might think negatively about sharing a city with those who cause a lot of crime and nurture less. I am sure some white bloke up in Rotherham doesn't think too highly of changes in his community too. Is it racism? Maybe, but that seems to be a natural consequence of unregulated multiculturalism.

    So, I don't really see that as being beyond the pale in terms of attitudes. Al for instance has his views and Beanz would call it racist, but it hasn't emerged from a vacuum. Any group can be and is racist. In fact it is almost a badge of honor to move to England and not integrate. That too is terribly racist.

    I don't see the argument, but Fenster seems on point to point out propaganda in television in the main post that kick started this.
    Last edited by Gandalf; 11-17-2019 at 05:08 AM.

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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    So, Beanz you have not said anything about TV and yet brought me into it to discuss racism.

    See, you are addicted to shit stirring. This is a prime example of you being unable to just post without being a prat. Only a few days after last pushing it and you are back onto Asian and white racists and ME and all because Fenster saw some propaganda. You couldn't make it up.

    I am watching The New Statesman as Rik Mayall is a legend. See, on topic.

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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)


    Double down Gandalf.

    Still.... 'There are no racist Asians and the Asians you know are not' proper' Asians'

    'Being racist doesn't arise in a vacuum it is almost a badge of honor'

    Next it will be

    'When you lived or when you work in London it's not' proper' London'


    You even sound like Alan B'stard mate. Almost identical. Here he/you are

    "Why should we, the country that produced Shakespeare, Christopher Wren, and those are just the people on our banknotes for Christ's sake, cower down to the countries that produced Hitler, Napoleon, the Mafia, and the the the, the the the, the the the Smurfs!"
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  14. #44
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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    I also posted it three days ago before Wally accidentally quoted it again in all non shit stirring innocence.

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    Default Re: Last TV show/Box Set you watched? (Flag spoilers)

    So, no latest TV at all.

    Of course I am doubling down when I think your mother in law sounds like a generalizing oddball. What Asians? There are dozens of Asian countries.

    And my take on what Fenster said is that genuine oriental Asians in London might well have racist attitudes because of the facts of circumstances living in a place like London. I don't see much racism around me and that is because there are few tensions.

    And I also argue that racism exists in every group. Apparently the most prolific users of racial language online are black people. However, I see it as no competition and think for every Freedom, or me, or Denilson, there is someone like you.

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