Re: the scam is over. what's next?

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No thanks mate, we need evidence that it’s actually happening, surely? You did say “Weather is being manipulated” and not “it’s possible to manipulate weather’ after all.
I grew a big COVID virus and vaccine in my garage during lockdown and explained to my beloved brethren on this forum how to do it ….. but you did want a bit more evidence, which is fair enough.
So, I’m only asking reasonably for the same ……..
you didn't do shit. you made shit up because you couldn't prove your belief is true. i asked you to prove convid was a virus, caught from outside the body from person to person through the air or off surfaces & the cause of claimed symptoms. you couldn't & still can't provide anything for me to verify for myself that your belief is true. you really are a funny guy or just delusional. so are you saying you don't know what cloud seeding is? i've said i can give you basic experiments that you can use to comprehend what cloud seeding is that you can verify for yourself. i'm sure there are cloud seeding businesses in your country that can give you a demonstration. why are you so afraid to verify something for yourself? do you just want to believe what someone else says? your cognitive dissonance has you very triggered & you can't move on. it's so entertaining pulling your strings
No need to fly off the handle buddy. I hope you wiped off all the spit from your computer screen after you typed this. People can catch diseases from that. I only asked nicely for some evidence.
I think I know what cloud seeding is conceptually, but probably not exactly how it works …. If it does 
To be utterly fair though, you have offered to post up some experiments so that I can comprehend what cloud seeding is so that I can verify it for myself so please do so that I can verify it for myself. Please try and post reputable and verifiable experiments and what that has to do with strings or if cotton or rope work equally as well
that would be a good start but don’t forget that I asked for evidence that ‘WEATHER IS BEING MANIPULATED’ which is different from showing the something called cloud seeding is possible and exists as a scientific theory so it is the actual fact that weather is being manipulated that is your current belief because without proof it can only be a belief. Step one should be to verify the science works and then step two must be to verify that science is being used. After all we have the science for nuclear fusion reactors but they are not actually being put to use
until that proof is there your belief that weather is being manipulated is just a belief even though it’s fine to have a belief but we have to treat it is a belief and not a fact until such time it can be proven. I don’t have to verify this for myself as it is you who has made the statement of belief so it falls on you to verify it for everyone so we then know it’s a fact
or are you saying this logic doesn’t stack up?
If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?