Originally Posted by
Primo Carnera
Originally Posted by
joe smith
Originally Posted by
Primo Carnera
Originally Posted by
joe smith
Originally Posted by
If you are not here for debating then you are in the wrong place.
mission is to spread the truth on video, you for a fact can't make the louis era more advanced than video shows,you're not sane like the rest here acting like you can alter video, they look like novices like my video shows
I'll keep spreading the truth I'll be on other sites spreading the truth to,does that hurt, I'm already on 2 tube and another place and I'll be joining more, I'm ascended
Nice to see you back, but more importantly, nice to see your cut and paste still works! 👍
Nice to see you're still not sane cant see good like the rest like you here,and can't alter the louis era to be more advanced than video shows
Why am I not sane ? I have not disputed or debated any of the points you made. (Actually, when I say “any”, it’s the same point cut and pasted a million times!)
To be honest, I have so little interest in your posts that I haven’t read them sufficiently to make a comment one way or another.
All I will say , and it is an undeniable FACT , is that you have a lazy style of posting that just regurgitates the same drivel time after time not making any point to back up your opinion and counter anybody’s to the contrary.
That’s why people get pissed off with it and think you’re a Dopey fucker!
So to summarise, congratulations! You’ve even got me to waste 5 minutes of my life replying to you.👍
I repeat it cause it's fact on video why does that bother you?, oh cause I'm not speaking about fictional versions of fighters?,cause I'm not speaking about fictional highlighted versions of fighters that don't show everything I'm dopey for that reason?,
I'm not anything you not sane people call me,
I actually can see good and base everything I say from full rounds, cause I'm not speaking the so-called correct way of debating by using matches of a person that he fought in 1 era and 1 other person who they fought in their own era makes me wrong?
that's a flawed way to compare era's by you guy's logic,because usually the older era never fought anybody as advanced as the guy in the future
which is why I started comparing era advances instead where anybody who has good vision can clearly see the differences that automatically should tell people which person would win if they understand advances and the sport
So where did you get an opinion from when I posted video, see how you're not sane and a liar nothing I say is an opinion from my mind its all on video
It's fact the louis era looks like novices compared to o 70s-90s my video shows that,it shows not even no names were as horrible in 70s-90s like they were in louis era not a opinion