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Thread: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

  1. #16
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    all these rats have been jumping ship. he only gave twenty four hours before leaving. there's not going to be a royal commision so nothing will happen as usual. remove yourself from this system as much as possible & ignore these parasites. until people realize democracy is a scam they will continued to be fooled. the ones to blame though are not the parasites, it's the people that went along with the nonsense without verifying the claims to be true for themselves

    ps i seem to remember you wearing a mask & believing the nonsense without verifying the claims to be true for yourself
    I realize now it was unnecessary to wear the mask. How many people do you know who can admit that? I am admitting it now.

    Never took any shots or boosters or even flu shots in my life and I never got covid
    i'll give you credit for admitting that you now realize it was unnecessary to wear a mask. you are right there are not many people who can admit when they have been fooled. could you please tell me what you believe covid is & what it does?
    It is only my belief and it cannot be substantiated and I don't even know how I could verify it but I believe that it was a laboratory leak at the very least either from the United States fort detrick or from the Wuhan lab in China and at the very worst I believe it was intentionally leaked to try to condition mankind to comply and to acquiesce and to submit in a kind of brainwashing for what is coming next which will be much worse.

  3. #18
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    Whilst the symptoms are similar to flu it was more severe for some people. Lockdowns were used to control the spread of the virus and reduce deaths which it did.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  4. #19
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    Whilst the symptoms are similar to flu it was more severe for some people. Lockdowns were used to control the spread of the virus and reduce deaths which it did.
    so now you're saying you believe covid was more severe than the flu? & now that you have made claims as if they are facts i'll have to stop you & hold your feet to the fire. how did you verify that covid was a virus & that it was the cause the symptoms you experienced?
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  5. #20
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    all these rats have been jumping ship. he only gave twenty four hours before leaving. there's not going to be a royal commision so nothing will happen as usual. remove yourself from this system as much as possible & ignore these parasites. until people realize democracy is a scam they will continued to be fooled. the ones to blame though are not the parasites, it's the people that went along with the nonsense without verifying the claims to be true for themselves

    ps i seem to remember you wearing a mask & believing the nonsense without verifying the claims to be true for yourself
    I realize now it was unnecessary to wear the mask. How many people do you know who can admit that? I am admitting it now.

    Never took any shots or boosters or even flu shots in my life and I never got covid
    i'll give you credit for admitting that you now realize it was unnecessary to wear a mask. you are right there are not many people who can admit when they have been fooled. could you please tell me what you believe covid is & what it does?
    It is only my belief and it cannot be substantiated and I don't even know how I could verify it but I believe that it was a laboratory leak at the very least either from the United States fort detrick or from the Wuhan lab in China and at the very worst I believe it was intentionally leaked to try to condition mankind to comply and to acquiesce and to submit in a kind of brainwashing for what is coming next which will be much worse.
    thank you for your honesty on what you believe might have happened. could you & i explore that belief a little further? if something deadly was released into the air intentionally how would do you believe those pulling the strings kept themselves safe? i do agree that the fear & propaganda was pushed to progress many agendas
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  6. #21
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    all these rats have been jumping ship. he only gave twenty four hours before leaving. there's not going to be a royal commision so nothing will happen as usual. remove yourself from this system as much as possible & ignore these parasites. until people realize democracy is a scam they will continued to be fooled. the ones to blame though are not the parasites, it's the people that went along with the nonsense without verifying the claims to be true for themselves

    ps i seem to remember you wearing a mask & believing the nonsense without verifying the claims to be true for yourself
    I realize now it was unnecessary to wear the mask. How many people do you know who can admit that? I am admitting it now.

    Never took any shots or boosters or even flu shots in my life and I never got covid
    i'll give you credit for admitting that you now realize it was unnecessary to wear a mask. you are right there are not many people who can admit when they have been fooled. could you please tell me what you believe covid is & what it does?
    It is only my belief and it cannot be substantiated and I don't even know how I could verify it but I believe that it was a laboratory leak at the very least either from the United States fort detrick or from the Wuhan lab in China and at the very worst I believe it was intentionally leaked to try to condition mankind to comply and to acquiesce and to submit in a kind of brainwashing for what is coming next which will be much worse.
    thank you for your honesty on what you believe might have happened. could you & i explore that belief a little further? if something deadly was released into the air intentionally how would do you believe those pulling the strings kept themselves safe? i do agree that the fear & propaganda was pushed to progress many agendas

    That's a good question. How did the ones who intentionally released it keep themselves safe? Well I think some of them actually did get covid-19 for example even the head of the CDC walinsky supposedly got it three separate times and I believe Kamala Harris got it four times for example. Now maybe some of them have a secret cure that was developed so that they did not get infected for example the head of the World health organization or for example Bill Gates or the head of Pfizer. Or maybe they did actually get infected with it but because it is just like a flu then it did not wipe them out but just got infections and then recovered.

    We never took any vaccines or boosters and for that matter we never even took any seasonal flu shot in our lives ever, and we have just traveled through 16 countries since May 2023 on crowded subways and crowded ferries and crowded trams and crowded buses all through Portugal and Spain and France and Germany and Austria and Hungary and Romania and Bulgaria and now here in Istanbul Turkey with 20 million people shoulder to shoulder and we never got sick once.

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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    Whilst the symptoms are similar to flu it was more severe for some people. Lockdowns were used to control the spread of the virus and reduce deaths which it did.
    so now you're saying you believe covid was more severe than the flu? & now that you have made claims as if they are facts i'll have to stop you & hold your feet to the fire. how did you verify that covid was a virus & that it was the cause the symptoms you experienced?
    I wrote Covid has the same symptoms as Flu. Covid did cause more deaths than flu during the pandemic. I believed it through the news which reported the specialists confirming it as facts that millions have died from it.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  8. #23
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    Whilst the symptoms are similar to flu it was more severe for some people. Lockdowns were used to control the spread of the virus and reduce deaths which it did.
    so now you're saying you believe covid was more severe than the flu? & now that you have made claims as if they are facts i'll have to stop you & hold your feet to the fire. how did you verify that covid was a virus & that it was the cause the symptoms you experienced?

    How can you verify for everybody here that you are not a complete and utter moron? There is nothing in your entire posting history to suggest you possess even the simplest of reasoning skills, or that you can comprehend basic scientific principles. In fact, you have on repeated occasions lied and repeated lies showing disdain and a complete lack of respect for both posters and the forum and yet here you are demanding like a petulant child that people indulge your own particular brand of idiocy. It has even spread over to the boxing boards with you calling boxers by their first names and generally acting like a 12-year-old doofus.

    Questions, questions, questions from you.

    Are we there yet?

    And yet never any answers when people ask you the most basic things. That speaks volumes.
    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  9. #24
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    Whilst the symptoms are similar to flu it was more severe for some people. Lockdowns were used to control the spread of the virus and reduce deaths which it did.
    so now you're saying you believe covid was more severe than the flu? & now that you have made claims as if they are facts i'll have to stop you & hold your feet to the fire. how did you verify that covid was a virus & that it was the cause the symptoms you experienced?
    I wrote Covid has the same symptoms as Flu. Covid did cause more deaths than flu during the pandemic. I believed it through the news which reported the specialists confirming it as facts that millions have died from it.
    you wrote covid & flu were similar. now you have changed your response to covid having the same symptoms as flu but being more severe

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Covid did cause more deaths than flu during the pandemic. I believed it through the news which reported the specialists confirming it as facts that millions have died from it.
    how have you verified this claim to be true for yourself?

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    I believed it
    just because you chose to believe secondhand information doesn't make it true. you haven't verified any of the claims to be true for yourself & are just regurgitating
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  10. #25
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    Whilst the symptoms are similar to flu it was more severe for some people. Lockdowns were used to control the spread of the virus and reduce deaths which it did.
    so now you're saying you believe covid was more severe than the flu? & now that you have made claims as if they are facts i'll have to stop you & hold your feet to the fire. how did you verify that covid was a virus & that it was the cause the symptoms you experienced?

    How can you verify for everybody here that you are not a complete and utter moron? There is nothing in your entire posting history to suggest you possess even the simplest of reasoning skills, or that you can comprehend basic scientific principles. In fact, you have on repeated occasions lied and repeated lies showing disdain and a complete lack of respect for both posters and the forum and yet here you are demanding like a petulant child that people indulge your own particular brand of idiocy. It has even spread over to the boxing boards with you calling boxers by their first names and generally acting like a 12-year-old doofus.

    Questions, questions, questions from you.

    Are we there yet?

    And yet never any answers when people ask you the most basic things. That speaks volumes.
    attention mods please be aware that it is larry who has started with the insults again as usual. don't go crying to the mods again larry that i called you larry & begging them to ask me to stop calling you larry, if you want to insult other people then you better harden up a bit & take your own medicine
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  11. #26
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    Whilst the symptoms are similar to flu it was more severe for some people. Lockdowns were used to control the spread of the virus and reduce deaths which it did.
    so now you're saying you believe covid was more severe than the flu? & now that you have made claims as if they are facts i'll have to stop you & hold your feet to the fire. how did you verify that covid was a virus & that it was the cause the symptoms you experienced?
    I wrote Covid has the same symptoms as Flu. Covid did cause more deaths than flu during the pandemic. I believed it through the news which reported the specialists confirming it as facts that millions have died from it.
    you wrote covid & flu were similar. now you have changed your response to covid having the same symptoms as flu but being more severe

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Covid did cause more deaths than flu during the pandemic. I believed it through the news which reported the specialists confirming it as facts that millions have died from it.
    how have you verified this claim to be true for yourself?

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    I believed it
    just because you chose to believe secondhand information doesn't make it true. you haven't verified any of the claims to be true for yourself & are just regurgitating
    You can not verify everything in life my friend. Yes I believe experts in the field when they tell me something they know about.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  12. #27
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Experts in the field

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    Weapons of mass destruction
    The experts told us everything
    Like the Gulf of Tonkin

    Gandalf is here but not here
    In certain months throughout the year
    And spicoli has nailed it well
    Atop the dunes with "can of beer"

  13. #28
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    Whilst the symptoms are similar to flu it was more severe for some people. Lockdowns were used to control the spread of the virus and reduce deaths which it did.
    so now you're saying you believe covid was more severe than the flu? & now that you have made claims as if they are facts i'll have to stop you & hold your feet to the fire. how did you verify that covid was a virus & that it was the cause the symptoms you experienced?

    How can you verify for everybody here that you are not a complete and utter moron? There is nothing in your entire posting history to suggest you possess even the simplest of reasoning skills, or that you can comprehend basic scientific principles. In fact, you have on repeated occasions lied and repeated lies showing disdain and a complete lack of respect for both posters and the forum and yet here you are demanding like a petulant child that people indulge your own particular brand of idiocy. It has even spread over to the boxing boards with you calling boxers by their first names and generally acting like a 12-year-old doofus.

    Questions, questions, questions from you.

    Are we there yet?

    And yet never any answers when people ask you the most basic things. That speaks volumes.
    attention mods please be aware that it is larry who has started with the insults again as usual. don't go crying to the mods again larry that i called you larry & begging them to ask me to stop calling you larry, if you want to insult other people then you better harden up a bit & take your own medicine
    It is a question that only you BELIEVE to be an insult because you refuse to answer it.

    You have never verified a single thing since joining.

    Never made a cogent argument.

    Never shown anything but disdain for anyone here.

    And here you are crying again because your fantasy is self-evident.
    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  14. #29
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    Whilst the symptoms are similar to flu it was more severe for some people. Lockdowns were used to control the spread of the virus and reduce deaths which it did.
    so now you're saying you believe covid was more severe than the flu? & now that you have made claims as if they are facts i'll have to stop you & hold your feet to the fire. how did you verify that covid was a virus & that it was the cause the symptoms you experienced?

    How can you verify for everybody here that you are not a complete and utter moron? There is nothing in your entire posting history to suggest you possess even the simplest of reasoning skills, or that you can comprehend basic scientific principles. In fact, you have on repeated occasions lied and repeated lies showing disdain and a complete lack of respect for both posters and the forum and yet here you are demanding like a petulant child that people indulge your own particular brand of idiocy. It has even spread over to the boxing boards with you calling boxers by their first names and generally acting like a 12-year-old doofus.

    Questions, questions, questions from you.

    Are we there yet?

    And yet never any answers when people ask you the most basic things. That speaks volumes.
    attention mods please be aware that it is larry who has started with the insults again as usual. don't go crying to the mods again larry that i called you larry & begging them to ask me to stop calling you larry, if you want to insult other people then you better harden up a bit & take your own medicine
    It is a question that only you BELIEVE to be an insult because you refuse to answer it.

    You have never verified a single thing since joining.

    Never made a cogent argument.

    Never shown anything but disdain for anyone here.

    And here you are crying again because your fantasy is self-evident.

    "'cogent cake/Nugent Quotient"'

    By Royal Cream


    Only oceans
    Bony potions
    Russian dressing
    A poem by Lessing

    Master in Wolf
    And Gandalf in Kim
    With Tito in 'Rico
    And Walrus eating a Slim Jim

    Ron Price doth remember
    When Marciano and Baha'i
    Knocked out in September
    A Canadian guy

  15. #30
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    Default Re: The Fascist Bully is GONE - LISTEN to this P.O.S. and remember

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    why would you say that lockdowns would be necessary for something you always thought was similar to the flu?
    Whilst the symptoms are similar to flu it was more severe for some people. Lockdowns were used to control the spread of the virus and reduce deaths which it did.
    so now you're saying you believe covid was more severe than the flu? & now that you have made claims as if they are facts i'll have to stop you & hold your feet to the fire. how did you verify that covid was a virus & that it was the cause the symptoms you experienced?
    I wrote Covid has the same symptoms as Flu. Covid did cause more deaths than flu during the pandemic. I believed it through the news which reported the specialists confirming it as facts that millions have died from it.
    you wrote covid & flu were similar. now you have changed your response to covid having the same symptoms as flu but being more severe

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Covid did cause more deaths than flu during the pandemic. I believed it through the news which reported the specialists confirming it as facts that millions have died from it.
    how have you verified this claim to be true for yourself?

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    I believed it
    just because you chose to believe secondhand information doesn't make it true. you haven't verified any of the claims to be true for yourself & are just regurgitating
    Yes I believe
    so, you haven't verified this claim to be true for yourself & are just regurgitating?
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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