Hmm... Nahir got rocked there. Levels starting to assert themselves.
Hmm... Nahir got rocked there. Levels starting to assert themselves.
Body language and stance looking a little knackerd on Albright. Took an arcing right hand and fell into ropes hard. Love to see Keyshawn press all his gains here. Albright cagey still but falling a step or two behind.
Little early for a ref intervention talk but hey.
wth was that. Albright lifting Keyshawn up on shoulder and Keyshawn kicking his little legs like a damsel in distress.
Albright's gonna lose the fight. But his only chance to not get knocked out is to remain as busy as he was in the last round. If he throws single shots Keyshawn's gonna eventually time him and drop him.
Albright saying he cannot see in corner and actually comes out little harder in 8th. Keyshawn little time off here, just in spots. Love the inside switch combos he gets off inside.
Davis stunned Albright... went for the kill... and got stunned himself. Great end of the round!
Ohhh Keyshawn landed and buzzed Albright and then got real corny-careless. Ate a big right hand from Albright but walked thru.
Man. Keyshawn got hit with a very silly right hand, clean. It happens. Hopefully just on this level.
Albright didn't come to just collect his check... but Davis is clearly superior in every way.
Gave Albright that 9th, close.
Majority decision?!?!?
WTF fight was that one judge watching??
I thought it was practically a shutout.
I don't know Keyshawn. Had it 9-1 dominate. Albright showed up but did have some bluff thru mid fight but took advantage of Keyshawn easing up late. I don't get that.
95-95, 96-94, 97-93 majority for Davis . He flirted with it late.
Last edited by Spicoli; 10-15-2023 at 04:27 AM.
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