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Thread: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

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    Default Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    Everyone here knows I've always been an unabashed Canelo "hater."

    But there's more to it than just that. I obviously don't actually "hate" Canelo. In fact, I think he's a very personable guy, with many redeeming human characteristics. He's not some evil, trashy guy, like some that have inhabited the boxing world throughout time. As a matter of fact, I would say I actually dislike someone like Antonio Margarito a lot more than I do Canelo. But there are many reasons for liking or disliking a boxer. That's the point of this thread.

    With Canelo it's always been about the hype that has accompanied him from the very beginning. It's as if his "greatness" were being forced from the start. Dozens of record-bulging fights against tomato cans in Mexico... followed by undersized or over-the-hill victims to further build the resume... followed by the questionable judging of big fights, and preferential treatment afforded by the Mexican-friendly and corrupt alphabet org WBC. People who have accused me of hating on Canelo because he's Mexican have always ignored that I've always been a big fan of guys like JMM, MAB, and Finito Lopez. So it's never been only about Canelo, but about the structure AROUND Canelo. By now however, Canelo has long bought into the hype that he's an ATG, and... while that may in the end be true... his realistic place among history's greatest is much lower than his legions of fans would have it.

    Margarito, on the other hand, was always kind of a cheating scumbag (Canelo cheated too, but I'll ignore that for the sake of this thread). He's never been that likable face of boxing that Canelo pretends to be. He's not pretty enough. He doesn't appeal to squealing women. He wasn't chosen by the boxing media to be the "next big thing."

    Another reason for disliking a boxer is their style. I absolutely hated the version of Wladimir Klitschko AFTER those knockout losses he suffered. It's ok to be defensive and try not to get hit. But geez... he singlehandedly put the whole heavyweight division in a coma for many years. He would throw a few timid punches and hold on for dear life. He's lucky he faced a bunch of stiffs for a while, and the division became boring as hell.

    Sometimes it's their personality or life outside the ring. Or their outsized opinion of themselves. I'm sure Ryan Garcia is a nice kid. But anyone who tries to take shortcuts to fame and stardom, using things like social media and a pretty face... and maybe catapulting off of one big win... already has two strikes against them in my book. I begin to root against them. Ryan's one of these kids. I remember back when he was asking for an exhibition match against Manny Pacquiao. Who the FUKK is Ryan Garcia to merit (back then) an exhibition against one of the all-time greatest in boxing??

    Which brings me to what makes me like a fighter. First he must be good at his craft. A good fighter, skillful, exciting, not afraid to engage, and willing to give the public a good show. It helps if he has just the normal amount of self-importance and self-image. Be realistic as to who you are. Don't go calling yourself p4p this, or ATG that. Let your record and other people speak for you. Some might say all fighters are boastful. I'd counter by saying some great fighters keep a fairly low profile. They don't pump themselves up... but let others do the talking. Also, I like a fighter that won't dodge or duck anyone, especially trying to protect some bloated record. Some of the best ever have had one or two losses on their record. It's not about the "0". It's about who you have fought and defeated.

    Rant over.

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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    I dislike Floyd Mayweather. He is everything bad about boxing today protecting his 0 at any cost, trying to revise history for the younger generation that he was GOAT and getting vastly overpaid for someone with his limited entertainment value.

    I could elaborate but it makes me mad so I will leave it there.
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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    I dislike Floyd Mayweather. He is everything bad about boxing today protecting his 0 at any cost, trying to revise history for the younger generation that he was GOAT and getting vastly overpaid for someone with his limited entertainment value.

    I could elaborate but it makes me mad so I will leave it there.

    Two things everyone here knows:

    Master dislikes Floyd
    TitoFan dislikes Canelo

    Seriously though... Floyd started out as a more likable fighter. In some of his earlier fights he took on some dangerous challengers and went toe-to-toe, showing his remarkable prowess. But eventually he became enamoured with his "0", and one could say avoided some dangerous, heavy punchers. What I dislike most about him is his personality, though.

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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    I used to hate Tank Davis and his pissy little attitude, but he has changed a lot over the years. Love him as a fighter and I even root for him, but he was close to turning me off when he first started to rise. I dislike little punks mouthing off like hoes... he was looking like that to me.

    I disliked Jorge Gonzalez. Was so satisfying to see Bowe beat him to a pulp. It actually gives me a hard on every time I watch it...

    Lucien Bute was a record padding sissy boy. When Froch punished him, and I dislike Froch a bit too, it was sooo good to see Bute be exposed for the paper weight fighter he was. He disappeared after that and that was good to me.

    Carl Froch. He is such an arrogant, smart mouthed asshat. Its hard not to dislike him. I can't imagine how he is around his friends. But, he never rematched Andre Ward.... and we know why. He would have gotten his ass kicked again. lolol...
    Bigger man George, bigger punch!

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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    I very much disliked Tank myself, in the beginning. Especially when videos surfaced of him choking a woman and dragging her out of a basketball game. I still don't like the punks like what you refer to, in boxing.

    Tank scored some points with me when he KO'ed Ryan, as I've never warmed to Instagram champions, who think having a million followers and wearing a crown (gayish) make them all that.

    Wtf happened to earning your way in boxing??

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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    Jake/Logan Paul then need to be hated for not earning their way up the boxing ladder by skill and facing real challenges for the huge purses they get.
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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Everyone here knows I've always been an unabashed Canelo "hater."
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    I'm sure he'll have a wall-sized rendering of that cover plastered on his bedroom ceiling, as well as on the entrance to his mansion.

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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    For me it is the way they go about their business. Like I was a very big GGG fan before he had a name. There is another site I could point you to where before he was even a champion I said he was the best fighter in the division. But for years I watched them claim nobody would fight him while he set up road blocks. I can’t remember the former champ he was being built to fight but there was a time where they were talking about fighting a guy then they booked a tiny venue in Morocco too small to have HBO, also meant the guys home country couldn’t do their PPV(former champ was an Australian I believe)element so he said no. They ended up fighting like a year later. Meanwhile all these people kept talking about people not being willing to fight GGG and it was so frustrating because any sense would say GGGs team made a clear roadblock. You don’t pick venue then opponent. We all know this. They know this. They were selling a lie. Then it was anyone from 154-168, except Ward spoke up and then they went through a series of excuses “Ward’s too big a name, he’ll want too much” “We’re focusing on 160” but you just said anyone from 154-168. And you were willing to move up for Steiglitz, you were willing to move up for Froch, you were willing to move up for Chavez Jr, but not Ward. Then they went to “Ward has been out of the limelight too long he needs to build his name back up”. I’m fine with them not wanting Ward to beat his ass, just say we don’t want to fight Ward. Stop selling a lie. This take all comers guy was never, never, a take all comers guy and we had all the evidence so I became a hater.

    Same has happened for me with Tank punkass Davis. Dude is pathetic. Pulling a David Haye milking the fans while really giving them nothing.

    I don’t need to like the fighter to be a fan. In fact most of the guys I was a fan of turned out to be scumbags. But if you make the fights I want to see I’m a fan.

    (Edit-it was Daniel Gaele, not a fighter that needs a year + to build up to fight. Just pick a venue that will be big enough for HBO so the Aussie fans can see the fight. Absurd crap from GGGs team. And years of absurd crap followed)
    Last edited by Ron Swanson; 12-11-2023 at 03:47 AM.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Swanson View Post
    For me it is the way they go about their business. Like I was a very big GGG fan before he had a name. There is another site I could point you to where before he was even a champion I said he was the best fighter in the division. But for years I watched them claim nobody would fight him while he set up road blocks. I can’t remember the former champ he was being built to fight but there was a time where they were talking about fighting a guy then they booked a tiny venue in Morocco too small to have HBO, also meant the guys home country couldn’t do their PPV(former champ was an Australian I believe)element so he said no. They ended up fighting like a year later. Meanwhile all these people kept talking about people not being willing to fight GGG and it was so frustrating because any sense would say GGGs team made a clear roadblock. You don’t pick venue then opponent. We all know this. They know this. They were selling a lie. Then it was anyone from 154-168, except Ward spoke up and then they went through a series of excuses “Ward’s too big a name, he’ll want too much” “We’re focusing on 160” but you just said anyone from 154-168. And you were willing to move up for Steiglitz, you were willing to move up for Froch, you were willing to move up for Chavez Jr, but not Ward. Then they went to “Ward has been out of the limelight too long he needs to build his name back up”. I’m fine with them not wanting Ward to beat his ass, just say we don’t want to fight Ward. Stop selling a lie. This take all comers guy was never, never, a take all comers guy and we had all the evidence so I became a hater.

    Same has happened for me with Tank punkass Davis. Dude is pathetic. Pulling a David Haye milking the fans while really giving them nothing.

    I don’t need to like the fighter to be a fan. In fact most of the guys I was a fan of turned out to be scumbags. But if you make the fights I want to see I’m a fan.

    (Edit-it was Daniel Gaele, not a fighter that needs a year + to build up to fight. Just pick a venue that will be big enough for HBO so the Aussie fans can see the fight. Absurd crap from GGGs team. And years of absurd crap followed)

    Everything you describe about GGG is precisely what I've always loathed about Canelo. Everything from "marinating", to "I don't fight Mexicans", to jumping off to pick off a weak belt holder only to go scampering back before any of the legitimates call you out... the list goes on and on. GGG... I know little of those details, so I can't defend the man. But I know you've made it well known that you feel he's a ducker. Maybe we should have a poll/thread about who's the biggest ducker in boxing history. My vote would go immediately to Canelo.

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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Swanson View Post
    For me it is the way they go about their business. Like I was a very big GGG fan before he had a name. There is another site I could point you to where before he was even a champion I said he was the best fighter in the division. But for years I watched them claim nobody would fight him while he set up road blocks. I can’t remember the former champ he was being built to fight but there was a time where they were talking about fighting a guy then they booked a tiny venue in Morocco too small to have HBO, also meant the guys home country couldn’t do their PPV(former champ was an Australian I believe)element so he said no. They ended up fighting like a year later. Meanwhile all these people kept talking about people not being willing to fight GGG and it was so frustrating because any sense would say GGGs team made a clear roadblock. You don’t pick venue then opponent. We all know this. They know this. They were selling a lie. Then it was anyone from 154-168, except Ward spoke up and then they went through a series of excuses “Ward’s too big a name, he’ll want too much” “We’re focusing on 160” but you just said anyone from 154-168. And you were willing to move up for Steiglitz, you were willing to move up for Froch, you were willing to move up for Chavez Jr, but not Ward. Then they went to “Ward has been out of the limelight too long he needs to build his name back up”. I’m fine with them not wanting Ward to beat his ass, just say we don’t want to fight Ward. Stop selling a lie. This take all comers guy was never, never, a take all comers guy and we had all the evidence so I became a hater.

    Same has happened for me with Tank punkass Davis. Dude is pathetic. Pulling a David Haye milking the fans while really giving them nothing.

    I don’t need to like the fighter to be a fan. In fact most of the guys I was a fan of turned out to be scumbags. But if you make the fights I want to see I’m a fan.

    (Edit-it was Daniel Gaele, not a fighter that needs a year + to build up to fight. Just pick a venue that will be big enough for HBO so the Aussie fans can see the fight. Absurd crap from GGGs team. And years of absurd crap followed)
    Glad you edited because it was Gaele. I am sure the venue would have been Monte Carlo which is a tax haven so he would have made a lot of money fighting there.
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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    I dislike drug cheats.

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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    Golovkin was lucky that Dmitry Pirog was forced to withdraw due to injury in 2012. His career could have turned out very differently after Pirog dismantled him in 12 rounds.

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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan Zhelezo View Post
    Golovkin was lucky that Dmitry Pirog was forced to withdraw due to injury in 2012. His career could have turned out very differently after Pirog dismantled him in 12 rounds.
    No one has dismantled triple G and certainly not in 2012. He was a beast in the division at the time.
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    Default Re: Reasons for Liking or Disliking a Fighter

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Swanson View Post
    For me it is the way they go about their business. Like I was a very big GGG fan before he had a name. There is another site I could point you to where before he was even a champion I said he was the best fighter in the division. But for years I watched them claim nobody would fight him while he set up road blocks. I can’t remember the former champ he was being built to fight but there was a time where they were talking about fighting a guy then they booked a tiny venue in Morocco too small to have HBO, also meant the guys home country couldn’t do their PPV(former champ was an Australian I believe)element so he said no. They ended up fighting like a year later. Meanwhile all these people kept talking about people not being willing to fight GGG and it was so frustrating because any sense would say GGGs team made a clear roadblock. You don’t pick venue then opponent. We all know this. They know this. They were selling a lie. Then it was anyone from 154-168, except Ward spoke up and then they went through a series of excuses “Ward’s too big a name, he’ll want too much” “We’re focusing on 160” but you just said anyone from 154-168. And you were willing to move up for Steiglitz, you were willing to move up for Froch, you were willing to move up for Chavez Jr, but not Ward. Then they went to “Ward has been out of the limelight too long he needs to build his name back up”. I’m fine with them not wanting Ward to beat his ass, just say we don’t want to fight Ward. Stop selling a lie. This take all comers guy was never, never, a take all comers guy and we had all the evidence so I became a hater.

    Same has happened for me with Tank punkass Davis. Dude is pathetic. Pulling a David Haye milking the fans while really giving them nothing.

    I don’t need to like the fighter to be a fan. In fact most of the guys I was a fan of turned out to be scumbags. But if you make the fights I want to see I’m a fan.

    (Edit-it was Daniel Gaele, not a fighter that needs a year + to build up to fight. Just pick a venue that will be big enough for HBO so the Aussie fans can see the fight. Absurd crap from GGGs team. And years of absurd crap followed)

    Everything you describe about GGG is precisely what I've always loathed about Canelo. Everything from "marinating", to "I don't fight Mexicans", to jumping off to pick off a weak belt holder only to go scampering back before any of the legitimates call you out... the list goes on and on. GGG... I know little of those details, so I can't defend the man. But I know you've made it well known that you feel he's a ducker. Maybe we should have a poll/thread about who's the biggest ducker in boxing history. My vote would go immediately to Canelo.
    Not so much a ducker, but he wasn’t really moving towards the right fights as they claimed. I don’t think he was afraid of anyone. Just was managed. Which, everyone is, I just don’t like the lying. If you’re going to take soft touches until you get Canelo say “we’re looking at Canelo” don’t say “nobody will fight us” while bunches of fighters are calling for a fight, worthy fighters

    TBF there were a couple guys he wasn’t going to get that he wanted, not his fault. But it doesn’t erase all the above
    Last edited by Ron Swanson; 12-12-2023 at 09:02 PM.

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