Originally Posted by
Primo Carnera
Canelo is not an ATG, never will be be. He’s an ok World champion who has had a good career, but like most modern day sportsmen has been overhyped to make up for a general lack of quality.
The most accurate statement in your post.

Originally Posted by
Primo Carnera
He takes on as many challenges as any other top fighter past or present.
Totally DISAGREE. Define "challenges." To me, a challenge is taking on a fight where the outcome isn't predetermined by diva clauses, marination, undue advantages, or just plain cherry-picking.
NONE of the past Mexican champions I mentioned above EVER waited until the planets were aligned (or aligned them themselves) before taking on an opponent.
NONE of the past Mexican champions I mentioned above EVER tried to drain a cruiserweight 20 pounds to fight for a bogus cruiserweight "title."
NONE of the past Mexican champions I mentioned above made a habit out of fighting guys two weight divisions down.
Not to mention that the qualifier "any other top fighter past or present" is pretty damn far reaching. Hyperbole, anyone?
It that qualifier was true, then he wouldn't be just "an OK champion who has had a good career"... would he.

Originally Posted by
Primo Carnera
YES, HE DUCKED BENAVIDEZ and that will always be a black mark against him.
Maybe to you, to me, and to 99% of the boxing world. Yet we have an example in this very forum where this shameful duck is (cough) "explained away" with some very twisted and far reaching (cough) "logic."
Canelo fandom will do the same... and in the annals of history, it will be glossed over as a simple (cough) "lack of opportunity"... or some other crock of shit like that.

Originally Posted by
Primo Carnera
Canelo cannot be held responsible for holding belts to ransom. That is down to the governing body allowing it to happen.
Totally disagree once again. It's not like Canelo is being FORCED to keep the belts in hiding while the white elephant in the room is right in his face. Canelo is only too happy to keep the belts, because he has always shown that trinket-collecting is of paramount importance to him. To exonerate Canelo is to coddle him once again (something he's obviously used to).
Are the governing bodies at fault also? Damn straight. But we all know what WBC really stands for, don't we? I mean... I've posted it numerous times.
WBC = We Blow Canelo (and are proud to say it)