Originally Posted by
I would stick around... but arguing with someone who always has to have the last word... and refuses to acknowledge when he's wrong... is pretty fruitless, and you showed yourself to be both a long, long time ago.
But let me leave you with some useful life lessons:
1. It is impossible to verify everything you're taught or told in life. Anyone who thinks differently is a deluded fool.
2. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and it should be respected. Your approach is to be cynical and doubt everything? That's fine. No one here cares, nor wants to change you.
3. Always having to have the last word is a kid's game. Right along with holding your breath until you get what you want, and other playground habits. Adults don't give a shit, and will leave you to your last word.
4. When one person argues against 100, it's usually the one person who's got the personality problem. Not the other 100. You've gotten pretty much on everyone's nerves here. Only that some of us don't stay quiet.
5. You can be an ex-military... have 9 children... 20... no one cares. Maturity is not achieved by the experiences or the number of kids you have. Sometimes maturity is not achieved at all.
6. When someone honestly tries to have a civil, passive argument with you... and you claim mental superiority by saying they believe things that are false... you've already started the hostilities, and the argument becomes pointless.
7. Believe it or not, there are MANY people in here with a hell of a lot more knowledge than you, more life experiences than you, and a hell of a lot more maturity than you. Your aggressive style of posting doesn't win you any brownie points.
8. That's it. I was trying to get to 10... but fuck it.
i am not arguing with you, i am having a discussion with you.
i don’t always have to have the last word (Yes you do). but it is a forum & i am free to reply.
i have admitted on this forum times i have been wrong or misunderstood something & apologised. (No you haven't). unlike yourself who is unable to admit when you are wrong,
like when I highlighted the fact that you had created your own fact & then contradicted that very made-up fact.
(Are you STILL unable to understand the principle of saying someone has fought at middleweight their whole career? Do you still nitpick like a child looking for the loophole? Yep... I guess you do). you are projecting your own behaviour onto me
1, where have i ever said it’s possible to verify everything that you are taught or told in life (a misrepresentation from you)?
i’ve said if I can’t verify something for myself then i don’t know.
(Wrong. You say it's not true. Don't backtrack now). i can come to logical conclusions but that isn’t knowing it to be true
2, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but i disagree that all opinions should be respected. i may be cynical in some regards but i don’t doubt everything (another misrepresentation from you). i don’t won’t to change anyone but i will challenge people’s beliefs if they claim them to be true
i don’t always have to have the last word (See above). but it is a forum & i will reply when i disagree or am misrepresented
4, i ask people to prove their claims are true & people don’t like their beliefs being challenged. if someone feels uncomfortable because they are unable to prove their belief is real maybe they should look internally & find out why they are feeling that way, maybe they should try to find out their reasons for holding a belief they are unable to verify to be true for themselves.
you sure love to speak for others (Some things are obvious).
5, maturity can be subjective
6, where have I ever claimed mental superiority (another misrepresentation from you)? i ask people to prove things they claim are real. if they are unable to then they only hold a belief. there are no hostilities, you can either prove what you claim is real & others can verify that claim or you can’t.
just like ex can verify that woman can get pregnant & have babies & i can verify that fire can be extinguished. now he can choose to believe i am a father or not just like I can choose to believe that he is a fireman or not, it’s irrelevant because the topics of discussion (pregnancy & fire) are verifiable.
(Nonsensical and unnecessary babbling). now when you claim that something is the cause of an illness you should be able to prove it. If you can’t then you only hold a belief, you don’t know it to be true
7, i don’t doubt that there are people on here with more knowledge in certain areas & experiences in certain things than me, just as i have more knowledge in certain areas & experiences in certain things than some of them. as i said maturity is subjective. what’s your point? if you take my posting as aggressive that is on you. you can always block me or scroll past. they are just words on a screen after all. worrying about brownie points & words typed on a boxing forum seems immature to me
don’t claim to try & have a civil discussion with someone when you continue to misrepresent them (You do plenty of this yourself).
you should try just speaking on your own behalf
(Some things are just painfully obvious).
10, i stopped at 10,
still waiting on that list of the "inconsistencies in narratives" that i see that you claim are usually not inconsistencies at all (Yeeahh... I stopped keeping notes on everything when I left school. Suffice it to say you've done it plenty).