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RonPrice's Album

These photos were taken during my retirement from FT employment, PT employment as well as casual/volunteer employment and activity in the years 1999 to 2011. In addition, I may post some earlier photos from my years after 1967 when, at the age of 23, I began my teaching career.
  1. The pen is symbolic of a life, my life, of writing--with memories of this activity going back sixty years: 1949-2009.  Other symbols or icons could...
  2. This photo was taken in 2004 just after I had retired from all my FT and PT work.  In 2004 I had just begun the earliest phase of my new life as a FT...
  3. Chris and Ron Price in a photo taken in 1999 on the eve of Ron’s retirement from FT teaching after thirty-two years in classrooms as a teacher and...
  4. Putting one step in front of another is what we all have to do all our lives.  After 60 years I am still doing just that.  I am in this photo 60...
  5. The photo attached is a full-frontal facial view(2004, age 60 in Hobart). The photo has a light side and a dark side as is obvious to the viewer. ...
Showing photos 1 to 5 of 5

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