Boxing Forums

Conversation Between arcanum26 and Dizaster

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey buddy.. Thanks for your post. I rarely get my back up and directly speak out at someone's post, but he just has a bit of attitude creeping in there that is more hateful than contributing to the forum. It's really easy for the name pac nuthugger to be thrown around, but it's hard for anyone who just loves boxing to not appreciate and respect Pac and his accomplishments.. And Mayweather for that matter, or any boxer who is providing exciting fights. Like you said, this is a great forum, and most people here just love boxing, We all have our favorite fighters that we like to celebrate the accomplishments of more than others... But some people take that to far by attacking and bringing down other posters/fighters. And take things a bit personally. Even when you get the craziest posts here, it's usually outweighed by common sense from other members.. Anyway hope you stick around and post more! Sounds like you really respect boxing and all it's fighters.. Always good for the forum!
  2. Bro, one reason why I keep coming back to saddo boxing forum is because of impartial forum posters like yourself. Truth be told, most filipino boxing forums nowadays are populated with haters/nuthuggers. Im a filipino but as sure as hell im not a pac nuthugger. Im really skeptical about pac's credibility with the whole peds' issue. I read your reply to the post by milmascaras1 which I held in high regards 'cause of his respect to filipino boxers like mepranum. but things went downhill and to make a long story short, i lost respect for the guy. And your clear, concise and fact driven reply to one of his posts really made me believe that I'm still part of the best boxing forum online, even thought I'm really not contributing much to it in terms of posts.
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