The best way is by slightlly raising the front heel. You will find that if youre not comfortable in the hips doing it, the feet are to wide. Throw the shots shadow boxing, leave the last shot there and feel your balance, that should give you your clues.
many reasons with the right heel, it directs the movement right without thought, its easy to turn the left foot and shoulder, theres better technique in the movement and more pivot with the right hand or left hook to the body, gives better direction
What its doing is showing the difference with or without elastic working the technique instead of using the elbows to much because of resisstance the knees are put into better effect.
Shovel hook explain please
Not really Nik, everybody keeps asking me to do it. I havent got the inclination or time at the moment im snowed under with inventions which cost a fortune plus its getting everybody together its murder any tips just ask ive got hours of the stuff what i put up is old stuff .
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