Hey Bud
You want in on FF? Shoot me your email for an invite.
iTelescope Network News - Remote Internet Telescopes Network - Online Imaging & Telescope Hosting Service You probably already been here,but thought just in case you havent: theres a free try out link too. Hope you and yours are well.
lottdog13@yahoo.com And right now it's more merchandising than demolition that we doing
Hey Bro, Let me be the first to wish ya a happy birthday for tomorrow, will be off line this weekend otherwise would of started a thread tomorrow, all the best and have a great day !!
Thanks! Fun place, good guys!
My man we're going to put you on the milk carton here. Hope all is cool out in the real world.
It's a harsh one here man....today is the first time we've hit 50 degrees in forever, it's been cold as shit. Other than the weather everything is good my way, how about you?
lol, and now ya starting threads wanting peeps to play bloody FIFA !?!?! Thankfully she does get on with my daughter, she has a daughter herself which helps, although her daughter can be a git at times. Saying that she is 15, so she's at that age i guess !!
Now then buddy, been a while ! Things are good mate thanks. Got myself a new woman, so not had a chance to get on the x-box of late, how's the snow over your way? lol
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