TitoFan, You think Trump likes "yes men", ok,
as evidenced by what? You say he's got a big ego and surely he comes across as having one sometimes, but ask yourself this "Could Donald Trump (not President Trump, but Donald) have achieved what he has with that attitude and ONLY being surrounded by 'Yes Men'?" I don't think he'd be successful in business much less in politics with such an attitude. He's got to have SOME savvy to him doesn't he? As for your "The Intelligence community is a unit." no, it is not a unit and the FBI/CIA carrying out of the smear campaign on Donald Trump should clue everyone into that. Much like I said with Spicoli, the Intelligence Community much like the media, has made SEVERAL "mistakes" and those "mistakes" have been passed along and passed along and nobody has paid for them and they kept happening...but notice it's one way traffic, Hillary Clinton dealt with 0 mistakes....isn't that odd. I mean IF the investigators were inept then surely they'd be inept regardless of political party right? However, there are good people, people not with Trump's best interests but the best interests of the American people who work in Intelligence and I believe that is who Trump gets his information from guys like Adm. Rogers from the NSA and not people like say Brennan or Clapper or McCabe or Comey. I can say it until I'm blue in the face, but they attempted to entrap Donald Trump and you won't see it until you see it or maybe you won't ever see it, but I see it and it explains a lot of his actions. So that being the case, all I can ask of you is to employ a strategy of your own, whenever Trump does something like strike an Iranian terrorist leader out of the clear blue and the media goes nuts over it ask yourself why and look at it yes from your point of view (which I certainly understand if I'm following media as is, accepting what they say as gospel) and then look at it where it makes sense from trump's standpoint....it's hard to do, but it helps answer a lot of questions.