I start a game thread every six months and then forget about it and have to start a new one. So this is a new game thread and if possible I would like it to be a sticky. That way I won't need to start a new thread every time. And feel free to jump in with brand new games or older games you have just discovered. I'm not as anal as those arseholes in the music thread.

I've been playing FIFA 12 as MarkTKO recommended it last time out. On the whole I quite like it, but defending is a bitch. It's easy to score and it is very easy to get sloppy and concede. Last week I bought Uncharted 1 and 2 which were in a cheaper dual edition. I haven't played them yet but have heard good things about them. Might get Uncharted 3 when I'm through with them.

So another new games thread. What are your hot games right now?