Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
If you re-evaluate your views and come to the same conclusions as before:

1. Arabs bad, Jews good.
2. Guns good, control bad. Any control... don't give a shit.
3. Government aid bad, all recipients are moochers.
4. U.S. is center of universe.
5. Democrats bad, Republicans good. Candidates don't matter.
6. Klitschkos = gods
7. Me Lyle... never wrong. Facts are irrevelant.
8. Give me my sipping bourbon while I sit on the porch of my plantation.

Then hell..... at least you gave it a try.
OK, and I'm sure all of that was meant in a non-racist tone right? Pretty special for you to take time out of your busy day to imply that I'm some kind of slave owner....but hey, I'm the extreme one right? I'm the "racist" one right? I'm the one that is irrational right?

I'm going to allow my blood pressure a chance to go down before further response