Quote Originally Posted by IamInuit View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
Quote Originally Posted by IamInuit View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
Quote Originally Posted by IamInuit View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
Quote Originally Posted by IamInuit View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
Lost between all this back and forth about who's better between the Alis, Foremans, Fraziers, Tysons, Lewises, and Wlads... is the ability to take a great punch and react well. Ali took hundreds of big shots throughout his career and took them well. Old Foreman got hit much more often than young Foreman... and took punches exceptionally well. Frazier did nothing but take punches so he could land his own. Tyson was rocked by big hitters, and always kept on fighting. Lewis got KO'ed twice (both were avenged). But he also engaged in wars with the likes of Vitali and others.

But what about Wlad? When has Wlad been truly tagged, and managed to survive and maybe even win the fight? Sam Peter? Is that the only example? Who else has tagged Wlad and not put his lights out?

Wlad doesn't get hit flush, because he rarely exposes himself enough to get hit.... and because most of his opponents are scared shitless as well. So it becomes a battle of jabs and/or pawing. If the opponent makes a crass mistake, Wlad may or may not pounce. But the pouncing is done in a defensive posture. Just in case the opponent has some life left in him.

Has Wlad proven his chin to the point where he can hang with the greats in that regard? If so, please post any video clips where Wlad is seen getting rocked, but survives the onslaught and comes back to take control of the fight.
So are we saying he gets knocked out if he is caught flush ?
If that is true , then Wlad has the best defence in the history of boxing , because in 62 fights he has lost only 3.
Those stats alone say he is a defensive master , thats if you are saying he gets knocked out if he gets hit flush.
Indeed. His jab, jab, grab and lean defense has served his jello like chin well. He adapted and cured insomnia at the same time.
I understand your point , but not getting hit and winning is part of boxing.
And I yours and fundamentally agree. The idea after-all is to hit and not get hit. Unfortunately for the spectator and because he has a chin that Locche could dent, Wlad has taken that ideal to a whole different level.
That is true but if its in the rules its fair , yes it may be boring sometimes , but very effective.
I dont remember past champs thrilling us every minute.
Nor I a heavyweight champion with his natural gifts and size that fought like him.
Also true Kevin , but as you have pointed out ,Wlad fights that way because if he didnt the first 7 rows of the crowd would be showered with glass the first big shot he took .
Point taken. Safe to say we both know what the other means. In the end its an answerable chicken vs the egg question. His defense if you want to call it that is a direct result of his punch resistance. If only Earnie Shavers fought that way. Its 2 a.m. bud so I gotta hit the sack.

Good chat.

Which all makes for a good, effective heavyweight champion... but one who does not spark the interest in the fans that would make the HW division the crowning jewel of boxing, as it has been in years past. Again, defense in order to ply your offense is different from defense by being scared shitless of someone touching your chin.