I do not know a lot about the history of the USA. I know that you beat King George third in the revolution and that slavery caused the civil war. @walrus knows a lot about this stuff.

I was reading about Thomas Jefferson who was a fascinating and complex man. He was one of the foremost minds of the ‘enlightenment’ period. His personal library became the library of congress. Yet he not only owned slaves but oversaw forced removal and relocation of native American tribes. He opposed the Alien and Sedition Acts and even rewrote the bible removing all of the spiritualism yet retaining the moral messages. Yet he believed other races were inferior to whites.

In Philadelphia 1776 how could he not declare freedom and independence for some and not all?

How could he not say some men are worth more than others?

Slavery was a disease deeply seeded and the sooner it was cut out of the US national body the better for everyone.

It caused the southern colonies to break away and start the civil war.

What if he never took that stance, what would the world look like now?