So I went to bed last night like a kid on Christmas Eve being told "if you've been a good boy, Santa will come with lots of presents."
I was expecting to wake up to finally hear what we've all been waiting for, but guess what....... Santa didn't come! WHY? did I do something Wrong?
This only means one thing . we should all resign ourselves to the fact that Floyd v Pac will NEVER happen.
I don't know who's fault it is, and quite frankly I don't fucking care. All I know is that a fight that had to happen isn't going to happen and that can only be bad for the sport. it's almost making these guys bigger than the sport, and that is a massive problem.
My personal opinion is that this the powers that be should've insisted on the fight and there should've been no choice in the matter. Now , as far as I'm concerned , both these fighters should retire and give some other guys a chance to revive boxing because nobody wants to see Floyd or Pac fight anyone except each other.