So the vote will happen at last after David Cameron called a referendum for 23 June.

The prime minister warned that exiting the EU would not stop migrants coming to the UK, as six ministers who attend cabinet joined the leave campaign.

Senior Conservative MP and London mayor Boris Johnson is expected to announce he will campaign for an EU exit.

He is expected to reveal his decision later on Sunday.

Mr Johnson is understood to have told friends he is genuinely conflicted about which way to campaign in the referendum.

But BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith said Mr Johnson had now made up his mind - and would announce which team he would side with this evening.

The prime minister announced the date of the in/out referendum outside Number 10 on Saturday, having returned from Brussels with a deal he argued gave Britain a "special status" within the EU.
He warned leaving the EU would be a "leap in the dark" as he urged voters to back his reform deal.
Renegotiations of the UK's relationship with Europe were finalised on Friday night after intense wrangling at a two-day summit in Brussels.

The agreement, which will take effect immediately if the UK votes to remain in the EU, includes changes to allow curbs on migrant welfare payments, safeguards for Britain's financial services and making it easier to block unwanted EU regulations.

So are you in or out?