I guess a kid being bullied in school or on the playground has been with us for ages. Now with the advent of MMA, and Boxing appearing more in movies, televison and U Tube, plus the uptick in gangs and kids more prone to violence, it has become a school problem, which can never be properly addressed. I have had the experience of meeting with school administrators and board members, who push the so called 'anti bullying' policies in the school system. Only problem is that they expell or punish not only the bully, the the kid defending himself. To me that is just unexceptable. It does not protect a kid off the school grounds or really on the bus.
Some parents bring their kid to our gym to learn to box. I go through a conference with them to discuss the kid never telling anyone that he is taking boxing lessons, or he will be a target immediately, and understanding that it takes months. Once he has developed into the point he can get in a ring and spar, then he can surprise the bully by putting his ass on the floor in pain, or knocking him out. The biggest hurdle I have to overcome is the parents who have taught their kids never to hit back,that it's ok to cry and go to the ground, and then go tell a teacher or an adult. Pure BS. The second problem is the mind being trained to understand that you are going to be hit, and there is no excuse for shutting down,and crying. That pain will not kill you---in fact, it should be a motivator for one to turn fear into anger and determination. Please encourage parents to undo this modern thinking. It IS ok to hit back, and it IS ok to defend yourself, no matter the consequeces.