Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
I always get a kick out of someone trying to pigeon hole an entire 'culture' or boil it down to some headlines. It's a subject and definition that can very well end up like p4p subjectivity and sheer clusterfukery. It blurs into ethnicity and Nationality but can be much more about simply being a product of environment and immediate surroundings. Country or State wide etc. Just on massive numbers and global diversity, yes some are clearly 'better'. I don't eat people AND I drive on the sane side of the road so I by comparison am one awesome motherfucker .
So there's cultural relevance and overall goodness that can come from wife beating? Do tell!
Thought we went over this once before? No Lyle, you go immediately to an entire religion or Country (?) while in that instance I'm addressing personal experience. We are all so overly self righteous in our "never in my backyard" but I've heard and seen subtleties turning a blind eye or near condoning spousal abuse. Though it is not 'bred' in or taught, at least not directly, and those that do are shits. Simple as. I've seen wives and women beaten up close. Then I've seen said beater have his head pulled through his own arsehole and left in a heap . I'd encourage anyone witnessing such things to do the very same.