Quote Originally Posted by GaMo View Post
@El Kabong there's no risk for Crawford because Horn is shit
Crawford would be risking nothing fighting Horn (he'd KO him)
Mayweather has retired and will be 41 in less than six months.
Really Crawford should be calling out Garcia, Thurman, Spence
Or other fighters in their prime around his weight class.
I don't care if Horn is shit. You assume Crawford would KO him (he probably would) but it doesn't mean there's no risk. And to that point if Floyd isn't willing to take a risk then that tells everyone the story of his career...the biggest risks he ever took were Diego Corrales and Canelo 2 guys in their primes....that is all, Great?

Mayweather can still fight, 41 is not all that old.

Crawford can call out whoever he wants if he's calling out Floyd and aiming for the tippy top of the boxing game then more power to him, I'm not going to begrudge him that. That's like Floyd making big money from BOXING an MMA fighter, I don't begrudge him the money, it's a shitty fight and whoever bought it is a dope, but I'm not saying the guy didn't earn that money. If Crawford is calling out Floyd it means he wants THE BEST so you call out Floyd and anyone can step up and answer that, Garcia Thurman Spence, anyone and I am sure they will.