Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
James Comey has freely admitted to leaking memos to his "friend" to get out to the press....that's a crime, it's also pretty fucking dodgey that he was allowed to write and release a book on an ongoing investigation that is actually extremely shady and gives credence to to the whole "the deep state is actively working against Trump" trope which happens to be quite correct.

Hillary Clinton to James Comey's admission (either he's honest and believable or he's corrupt as Hillary) broke several laws albeit he thought that no prosecutor would ever try her for breaking those laws. If you or I had smashed a subpoenaed phone/computer to bits or used bleach bit to wipe the memory of those devices well I'm quite afraid we'd be thrown UNDER the jail. Hillary and her staff did exactly that and not only that she has a history as long as her husband's political career of corruption traceable all the way back to Arkansas and well the Teflon wore off of John Gotti eventually and it's wearing quite thin on the red queen right now.

The Clinton Foundation is as corrupt of an organization that has ever existed and what they did to Haiti alone should have the Clinton's heads on pikes!
It's not a crime for Comey to pass memos to his friend to leak them to the press.

Hillary didn't break any laws either, otherwise she would have been charged with breaking a law. She's been investigated more or less nonstop since 1993, normally by Republican committes and she still hasn't been charged with a crime.

What did the Clinton Foundation do in Haiti? The Clinton Foundation is rated by the charities watchdog as being at the same level of probity as the Red Cross. Surely they can't be all that bad.