I know what- reports claim about Anthony Joshua- went through. I have always had a high anxiety about being around people, friends and strangers alike, particularly in social groups, but sometimes the blues and depression sets in on your on your own lonesome and without being prompted by things you thought they were.

One time I went to the gym and I could not do a DAMN THING. I mean, NOTHING. No treadmill, no stretches and no weights. NOTHING! Everytime I started it I just did not have it. No music, no psyching myself up could help. Just zzzzzzzttttttt.... NOTHING!

I had to leave the gym and not waste time. Even took a walk back home- as I typically walk to and from the gym- and could not gather up the feelings to pick up a good pace and walk. Nothing out of the ordinary happened that day that was not happening over the course of the last 12 months of being unemployed and without transportation/car and prospects. So I was just STUNNED that I usually come to the gym to get myself better and get myself together and I could not get a good vibe going.

I could not even hit the heavy bag or bounce on my toes. Just nothing aside from this sinking, depressive weight on my shoulders- trapezius area- like someone pressing on the back of my neck and my mind just losing energy and focus.

There is nothing you can do about it but have a prayer that it goes away and you can function on your tasks at hand. And it can come out of the blue!