Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
It sounds like you're getting just a taaaaaad judgemental but given your hatred and discussed I can easily understand that as I have many times done the same thing in my life. You see I am Fair. I understand The human condition. I understand rage I understand anger I understand human reactions and human behavior and I have compassion and mercy and empathy

I clearly understand your position. I just don't care too much for hold in such high importance most of the complaints that you're making about Trump. I can easily see how it would upset people however who do hold those things in high regard

I think Donald Trump is very very funny and very very honest and I also think he hits the nail on the head and a very down-to-earth streetwize Manor. That is something that Obama and other career politicians with shiny shoes and polished teleprompter phony personalities will never be able to do.

Judgmental? Oh..... was it the "So fucking what" line? Was that what did it?

Let me give you a friendly tidbit on the English language, seeing as to how you being (cough, snicker)..... "French" and all.

Judgmental is not when someone's opinion differs from your own. That's just difference of opinion.

Hope this helps.

Also.... you (gag, hack) "understand the human condition"? You (these are all direct quotes, by the way)..... (muffled laugh)..... "have compassion and mercy and empathy"?

So tell me then...... this latest gem from Trump where he trashes a DEAD, former member of Congress, who also happened to be a war veteran..... in front of an adoring, brainwashed public..... cracking jokes of the dead.......

Does that qualify as compassion and mercy and empathy?

Please Br...... er......Fats..... don't make me trash your arguments.

I take no pleasure in ramming B.S. arguments into the ground.
When u said "...But to confuse being anti-PC with being a bigot, sexist, moronic, off-the-hip insult hurling bully......... well that's being just a taa-a-a-ad shortsighted."...... I thought you were judging me, but maybe I need the context wrong.

to answer your question I thought it was really funny when he said maybe that lady's husband was looking up instead of looking down. I think that is hysterical. If we cannot laugh at things like that we are taking life way too seriously. But that's just my opinion

And as I've said, everyone's entitled to their opinion.

In MY opinion, the phrase "there's a time and a place for everything" exists for a reason.

I happen to think that having someone show up at someone else's funeral and begin an impromptu roast of the deceased is probably just a ta-a-a-ad (I know you like that word) in bad taste.

You may have a differing opinion, which is fine.

Humor is great. Knowing when to use it and when not to is even better.