Cheers a boxing game is long overdue for the ps4.

I've played them all going back 30 years - jesus thats a long time.

So in no particular order :-

- career mode with ability to create own fighter and take him online
- different fight styles and weight classes
- Training
- real fighters not crucial if the gameplay is good enough and has the good fictional characters (eg Isaac Frost, the main fighters in Victory Boxing in late 90s on PS1)
- CRUCIAL for me is the existence of a one punch knockout. Never seen this in a game before or since Knockout Kings 2001. You could turn a fight with one punch late on or even win a fight with first punch (I'll never forget kayoing my brother who was using Hagler just 6 seconds into a fight - he was out cold with no response at all to button bashing to try get up). Ok it shouldn't happen all the time but it's a big part of the sport and needs to be in there. All games since, though they do have flash knockdowns, have allowed you to get up easily at least twice then becomes a skill to get up beyond that. I had a mate on last Fight Night champion who had perfected getting up and you knew he could even get up from a 5th knockdown. I struggled on the 3rd. Fair play but that's not realism !!

Basically its all in the gameplay !