Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post

I offered to not be there so that you could partake and then you insisted it was not me stopping you from joining.

Then it turns out that all along actually it was me, but you did not want to admit that.


That is a bit odd.

At the end of the day we have all stepped over the line and let's be honest, you are hardly exempt from that.

I am happy to drop it, but you seem so addicted to the hostilities that you are turning down the opportunity for a meet up that you have for years said you would enjoy.

You want to give it to me both barrels. I don't give a shit. If it will make you feel better then Fire away.

Don't punish yourself to make a point though.

The worst that can happen is that one of us leaves the meeting.

It is a crying shame that Gandalf and El KaBong and many other Saddo veterans can't swallow their pride a bit and at least join once for 15 minutes.

Crazy waste
So it’s about swallowing pride is it? and still the begging continues. People who don’t wish to join your little Zoom club have all said “but hey, crack on, enjoy!”
But the “Pro Zoomers” are all about “Man up, Swallow your pride, what’s to lose, yadda yadda.” Let it fucking go , accept that some people don’t want to speak to you “face to face”and enjoy your 7 o’clock club.
Cue the replies from his tag team pals.

Yes swallowing pride. Ark at yourself trying to extend hostilities and acting all innocent. The whole point of the Zoom meeting thing is to put an end to little clubs and gangs. That is such a bullshit part of the forum that we can all do without. If you don't want to participate then why are you in this thread putting so much effort into trying to trivialize a genuine open invitation to add another dimension to the forum?

I would take you seriously if you showed an ounce of non partisan honesty and neutrality, but the sad truth is you seem blind to the extended efforts of many here to do anything to engineer a never ending flame war, which they will then blame on anyone but themselves.

These are people that have attacked and continue to attack not just me, but my family, and things way beyond my control, and yet here you are castigating me for being the one willing to let all that go in an effort to put an end once and for all to the bullshit flame wars.

Those wars happens because of misunderstandings about the intent and tone of written posts that simply can not be so easily misconstrued when talking face to face. It is as simple as that.

You don't want to take part, no problem, but don't go and stick up for people who are more than willing to throw the garden shed at someone and then cry when someone throws a trowel back, and pretend that you are not the one begging for hostilities to continue.

You sound a bit Zoom/Curious to be honest mate. That is fine. There are no rules and nobody HAS to wear a dress. It is entirely Optional.
Hostilities, gangs, wars! Not too dramatic then! Fuck me, if that’s really what you think is going on in this forum, then I definitely don’t want to see you at the other end of a computer camera!!!
Lighten up ffs. How can you come on here pretending you’re all chilled and everyone else isn’t , then we really see what is going on in your head!
My oh my!