Quote Originally Posted by smashup View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TonnnnUK View Post
So do we think this has been damaging to the sport? Not sure it really makes much difference.
While he continues to evade any kind of capture or convictions for gang related crimes, he will continue in his role as "advisor" to the boxers who seem to worship him.
Things will just continue as they have done for the last several years.

He's had involvement for years now and has probably helped (in some way) to give us some big fights that we maybe wouldn't have seen.
All he's doing is simply rinsing his dirty Money from his billions of drug money through the sport of boxing.
It's genius really 😉
It's been known he's been around the sport by us sorts of fans who delve deeper into the sport than just the general sports fans. But this was a prime time, widely watched documentary on the BBC "exposing" his involvement in the sport and his close proximity to major boxers, key players and big fight events.

It might prompt authorities within the UK, Ireland and US to kick into action possibly? The exposure could be something of an embarrassment maybe? The Irish authorities have essentially said they know he is in charge of a huge drug cartel in Europe but have no means to prosecute him for any crimes.....