Quote Originally Posted by smashup View Post
Have you actually watched the doc?
It clearly states he uses/did use Boxing to launder his Money.
If you think that Sky and a company like Ticketmaster (think StubHub) aren't dodgy, think again.
I'm fully aware of how to launder money and make it disappeare 😉
Don't be so naive
It does not state that he used boxing to launder money. The only person making that allegation is some fifth rate boxing manager in America looking to try and get a shut up and go away payment out of the boxing management firm that stole one of the fighters this guy used to manage. Think about it. It's unlikely that this fucker has the kind of investigatory and subpoena powers that a law enforcement agency like the FBI or Interpol have, right? And yet no law enforcement agency anywhere in the world has any evidence at all on this guy for money laundering or anything else.

Sky and Ticketmaster are not dodgy companies. They're publicly traded blue chip companies that have layers of legal compliance that mean nobody criminal could get anywhere near any of their operation. Every penny these firms take in is via electronic payment, there is no way to launder cash through these businesses. To do so you'd have to have the active participation of hundreds of professional people who would all have to remain complicit. It's just laughable to even contemplate it.

Laundering money does not make it disappear. The entire point of laundering money is to make the money appear as profits in a business owned by the money launderer.

Consider successful drug dealers. They have a huge pile of illicit cash and need to turn it into licit cash so they can spend it on goodies like women and houses and cars and not go to jail. The traditional methods of doing this involve buying a laser tag business or a car wash, something that won't attract attention that say a heavyweight world title fight might.

These businesses need to be able to take cash payments so the money can be washed through the business, show up as legal profits, have taxes paid on it and then be used to buy goodies.

The boxing industry fails on all these scores. It attracts massive publicity, no payments are in cash, all of the money is instantly traceable down to the last press of a red button, down to the last twenty quid, and the really crucial bit -- the businesses that make the profits aren't owned by the criminals. Even if it was possible to launder money via this kind of massively public extremely transparent electronic payment business the profits wouldn't accrue to the criminals.

Maybe you could try laundering a few quid through small hall promotions but the net result is you're going to be left with a significant quantity of cash that you can't launder.