A couple of other current Threads have got me thinking lately about this . Also , it shows how our views can change over a period of time .
Many years ago , Me and a Mate werde having a debate about the all time standings of the 4 kings. At the time, I ventured to put Duran above Hearns, and quite quickly got put in my place citing the way Hearns comatosed Duran. Fair point.
Gotta say, I'm slighly embarrassed by that view back then. Not because Duran wasn't an amazing fighter who rightfully is lauded as one of the all time greats himself, but more because as times gone on, at this moment in time, I probably have Hearns as my all time fave.
And I've said a few times on here recently, that IF he had Beaten Leonard , and IF he hadn't thrown the gameplan out the window against Hagler, he could've perhaps been all time #1.
I deliberately put the "IF's" in capitals , but not because they are BIG IF's. these things could've conceivably happened, they aren't outlandish.
I kinda would've liked this to be the case , because what's not to like?
1. Freakishly tall for his starting career weight , which enabled him to naturally move up the weights
2. Lovely technique allied to nastiness and aggressiveness
3. Text book venomous jab.
4. Heart and Strength.
5. Desire and love for Boxing. You don't box to the age he did if you didn't possess that.
6. Oodles of ability.
7. Probably Boxed like every single one of us would've wanted to if we were that blessed.
Yes , he had the odd glitch at this Elevated status, like maybe the Barkley loss, but then who doesn't ?
I might get some opposition to this , but happy to hear it.