Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
OK bilbo, I'll play your little game

Keep in mind you said COULD...so here's the

In no particular order
Ray Austin - tall guy, fights tall could give the shorter Sam Peter trouble
Larry Donald - tall guy, moves GREAT, very hard to stop...would really give Sam problems
Lamon Brewster - tough guy, if he chooses to brawl with Sam he could hang
Sergei Lyakhovich - big tall guy, good boxer, takes a good punch
John Ruiz - VERY tough to beat, he can take a good punch, smothering, frustrating to fight
Ruslan Chagaev - able to trade, decent power, southpaw
Shannon Briggs - HUGE big puncher, quick hands
Alexander Dimitrenko - Tall, fights tall, quick hands, not a ton of power, moves ok, he's developing
Chris Byrd - quick hands, southpaw, moves well, good stamina, can take a good punch
Jameel McCline - tall, decent defense, when motivated he fights well, can take a good punch
Hasim Rahman - tough, good power in the right hand, likes to trade too much but he has good power.
Danny Williams - big guy, can be tough to fight at times, can take LOADS of punishment

Now in reality maybe 4 (Larry Donald, Sergei Lyakhovich, Chris Byrd, and Shannon Briggs) of those 13 guys could really give Sam a run for his money, however, Sam Peter just hasn't improved since he came on the scene....he still has horrid defense, he still throws one punch at a time, he still throws way too wide, and he still rabbit punches....all that is why he couldn't beat James Toney
I think your hating a bit here Lyle. I cant think of any heavies other than the 4 I mentioned that hae done more recently than Sam Peter. He has only one loss, to the fighter whom everyone would unanimously agree is the divisions best, and he floored him 3 times.

In addition he has a victory, (admittedly controversial but still) over James Toney whom most would rate as top 5.

Who else in recent times has done as much as that? All of the other paper champs are bums, Peter would be a heavy betting favourite to win all of those fights.

You may disagree but the rest of the world is with me on this one I think Lyle

By the way your list is just plain idiotic. You say Peter has done nothing to be considered as the second best heavy and then replace him with Larry Donald,