Age: 20
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 82kg


Sunday the 8th of July

Went for a 4 mile run at lunch time, got back in and did a circuit of push ups/pull ups/dips/ab exercises

Monday the 9th of July

Didn't do any training today, I walked 4 miles to college if that counts? I always try to walk places when ever I can.

Tuesday the 10th of July

Trained some people at the gym today and demoed some exercises (not that that really counts for anything! ). In the evening I ran a few miles with the lads from my boxing club, did 20 rounds on the Heavy bag (1 minute rounds) with either a 10 second break between bags or an ab/squat exercise in between. finished off with 6 sets of 20 various push ups and some calisthenics... and an eye watering isometric squat and hold! :P
Did 5 rounds of light sparring and went home.

Didn't feel at my best.. but pretty good... if I felt like that on fight night I wouldn't be worried.

Wednesday the 11th of July
Rest day, stretching and a little bit of shadow boxing... the most active I got was playing pool/using the punch machine they have in the sports cafe! :P (drank for the first time in ages... )

Thursday the 12th of July
Nothing (so far) despite not actually being drunk last night I've got a hang over... Brown Ale and Sambuca don't mix... :S might try and do a light resistance circuit before dinner (I'll let you know if I manage it! :P). naughty, naughty Adam...

Friday the 13th of July
Started off with some burpees, star jumps, tucks, pikes, skipping and press ups. Done about 25 rounds on the heavybag... various lengths and combos, Ab Circuit and regular, wide, narrow, pike, forearm and snake press ups, finished with some one arm and clap and then did a squat circuit (I got given more burpees for talking! :P) Sparring was off... which I was looking forward too... felt strong during my training but didn't quiet feel like i had the snap I normally do on the bags.

Saturday the 14th of July
At my Aunties house in the lakes all day... thought I was at least going to get to wrestle her giant dog freddy but he was only interested in food! Mickey Vann's lack of refereeing ability got my heart rate up but that was about it!


Sunday the 15th of July
4 mile run followed by a circuit of pull ups, dips, press ups and ab exercises.

Monday the 16th of July
COLLEGE WORK! :P all finished now!

Tuesday the 17th of July
20 1 minute rounds of heavybag work, ab circuit, push ups, pull ups, military drills, light sparring. Got my forearm banged off some one's elbow... didn't feel too bad then but it's tight now.

Wednesday the 18th of July
Stretching, shadow boxing

Thursday the 19th of July
Doing a patio all day: shoveling, hammering, lifting, digging etc. Resistance circuit a home.