Age- 31 (Yes, i am an old get)
Height- 5' 6
Weight- 74kg (Approx)

Only just started training. This was my 5th time. Cant remember what i did on the other days so this is my starting point.

In my gym all rounds are timed at 3 minutes with a 30 second rest.

Friday, 13th July 2007.


7 rounds. I am still unable to skip for more than around 1 and a half minutes without tripping. But I am getting there. I practiced in a big park a few days ago at night so I have learned a few more techniques. I thought the park would be quiet at 11 at night but it was packed with people running and going for walks. They must have had a good laugh at the strange foreigner tripping over the rope every 30 seconds !

Shadow boxing.

3 rounds practicing some simple combinations that I have been taught. The coach changed my hand positioning and it doesnt hurt like before when i hit the bags.

Double end bag.

Did this for the first time yesterday, so today I was a bit better. Did 4 rounds practicing double jab and right cross and then back step one two combination. I absolutely love training on this.


5 or 6 (cant remember exactly) rounds practicing the same combinations as on the double end bag. I hurt my hands the first two times I went to the gym and my right hand is still a bit tender. I was taking it quite easy but by the end I was done. My coach asked me if i wanted to do a bit of weight training but I had had enough.

Didnt do any mitt work today. There were a few pros in early in the afternoon and some new starters so the coaches spent a bit less time with me today. 2 of the coaches have been pretty good with me and they want to put me in a fight in about 6 months. The gym have told me to get down to around 66kg.